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R Client for Dataverse Repositories
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Change maintainer for resubmission as 0.3.9 #104

Closed kuriwaki closed 2 years ago

kuriwaki commented 2 years ago

Mostly clearing out some things that we don't seem to be using.

As for the concern with readr 2.0.0 (, I ran the local tests after updating 2.0.0 and I don't see any issues. After rethinking I don't think we need to set >= 2.0.0 in DESCRIPTION -- the modal dataverse file is a TSV, and our default readr::read_tsv should work regardless of v2 or v1. @wibeasley does that sound right?

wibeasley commented 2 years ago

@kuriwaki, agreed. If it doesn't seem to matter, don't add it as a requirement. But I'd consider adding the requirement after a reasonable time for everyone to update. Say, a year?

This is because we'll always need keep this dichotomy in mind until there's a single parser engine. If there's a weird bug that sometimes works and sometimes fails, remember that one user's machine may be running the old readr engine, while another's is running the new readr/vroom engine.

kuriwaki commented 2 years ago

Sounds good about clarification in the long term.

Though actually, our win-devel gh actions check is consistently failing and the error logs do suggest it might be readr 2.0.0 related.

wibeasley commented 2 years ago

Does the win-builder error look like the GitHub Actions error?

x Failed to build source package 'readr'

If so, I'm not sure you can do much, at least tonight. It looks like it's correctly retrieving readr 2.0, but I guess not building it. This is a few steps before anything to do with the dataverse package.

I bet it's some CRAN binary problem that will be worked out by tomorrow.

I had a smooth submission with REDCapR tonight, which also has a the readr 2.0 prereq. So that's a good sign for this.

If you want me to look at the win-builder error, you can post the url. It stays on their server for a day or two.

kuriwaki commented 2 years ago

Ok good to hear about your RedcapR success. I was referring to only the githb Actions error, but I did run devtools::check_win_devel() after your note and got an error with the vignette:

Error in (function (command = NULL, args = character(), error_on_status = TRUE,  : 
  System command 'R' failed, exit status: 1, stdout + stderr (last 10 lines):
E> Quitting from lines 44-45 (C-download.Rmd) 
E> Error: processing vignette 'C-download.Rmd' failed with diagnostics:
E> Not Found (HTTP 404). Failed to API endpoint does not exist on this server. Please check your code for typos, or consult our API guide at
E> --- failed re-building ‘C-download.Rmd’
E> SUMMARY: processing the following file failed:
E>   ‘C-download.Rmd’
E> Error: Vignette re-building failed.
E> Execution halted
wibeasley commented 2 years ago

@kuriwaki, I'm guessing that it was a temporarily outage with the win-builder server? It's running on my two local machines, and on on GitHub actions (r release:

The failing build on Github Actions (R development) two days looks like it's related to the version of readr released the day before. I bet it's fine if you run it now.

kuriwaki commented 2 years ago

I will try to resubmit this as soon as rhub and Actions win_devel tests check off.

The readr installation failure is now gone but seems to be replaced by a tibble installation failure. (tibble is only used in a vignette when displaying a dowlonaded file).

I created a checklist #105 following usethis 2.0.1 (use_release_issue) but I may not complete all the new items it for now given that the priority should be to get it back on CRAN as it was previously.