This proposal describes a process for designing and implementing support for research objects in Dataverse software. Research objects are mechanisms for associating "elated resources about a scientific investigation so that they can be shared using a single identifier." (Wikipedia)
Research objects will be expressed as different Dataverse dataset types.
Design. Discuss the General Technical Approach at one or more Dataverse Tech Hours involving the Dataverse Team and other key stakeholders
Create Implementation Plan. Define the components of the proposed Incremental Development approach that addresses additional requirements and considerations and mitigates potential risks)
Create and Size Issues. Create Github issues in the dataverse repo to implement the proposed incremental development approach
Prioritize and Schedule Issues. Collaborate with others to schedule issues in an upcoming Release Plan
Begin Development of the Initial Issues (listed below)
Complete Development
Release 6.3
Prioritize and Schedule Remaining Issues
Complete Development of Remaining Issues
Activate Research Object Support in Harvard Dataverse
Assess implementation. Test the implementation in Harvard Dataverse with a relevant use case, such as Computational Workflows
See proposal
Release 6.2
Release 6.3