GREI 2: Task 1 - Propose redesigns of citation metadata block and use and build on controlled vocabulary functionality in order to improve the collection and use of metadata about people and organizations associated with deposits, including use of ROR and ORCID (Sketch stage) #258
Ensure that we consider a broad range of ideas for improving how Dataverse collects and uses metadata about people and organizations associated with deposits
Further improve our shared understanding of goals, requirements, opportunities and constraints by seeing the solutions that come from our individual understanding
This is the third stage of a design sprint that the The Dataverse UX Working Group is using in order to implement a solution for improving the collection and use of metadata about people and organizations associated with deposits in a way that encourages a shared understanding of goals and more community collaboration around decision making, and prioritizes testing and evaluation by scaling our ability to distribute more of that work.
@jggautier drafted high-level requirements for the redesigns, created an image showing the relevant fields in the Citation metadata block, and shared both in its design sprint planning document so that participating Dataverse UX WG members can reference them when proposing redesigns.
Members of the WG met on July 18 to review plans for proposing redesigns and choosing among the redesigns, during the "Deciding" stage. They started documenting how other products such as Zenodo accomplish similar goals and discussed guidance from the folks from ROR about using their API. They spoke about changes in the design sprint schedule to account for vacations and other work commitments in the coming weeks.