GREI 2: Task 1 - Use learnings from usability testing (testing of the prototype of redesign of the citation metadata block and the use and possible adjustment of the controlled vocabulary functionality for improving the collection and use of metadata about people and organizations associated with deposits) in order to adjust the redesign of the citation metadata block and changes to the controlled vocabulary functionality (Validate stage) #263
Ensure that we're able to use what was learned during usability testing to improve the solution before it's implemented and gain awareness of potential issues with the solution that we should follow up on after the solution has been implemented
This is the fifth stage of a design sprint that the The Dataverse UX Working Group is using in order to implement a solution for improving the collection and use of metadata about people and organizations associated with deposits in a way that encourages a shared understanding of goals and more community collaboration around decision making, and prioritizes testing and evaluation by scaling our ability to distribute more of that work.
[ ] Participants review results of the usability testing, adjust candidate design as possible and note potential issues with the solution that we should follow up on after the solution has been implemented