The website is currently hosted on Open Scholar. Harvard will no longer support Open Scholar sites and is moving to Drupal.
Rather than migrated to Drupal, we plan to migrate instead to GitHub Pages.
The GDCC website (formerly on Open Scholar) is now hosted on GitHub. The move has been popular. GitHub hosting provides greater visibility and Community engagement. For example, it makes it easy for site owners to make updates and offers Community users the opportunity to contribute site improvements (e.g., fix typos, broken links) that are then approved or denied by site owners.
Currently, our site has minimal static content and links to other resources, like our Guides and metrics, so a migration to GitHub Pages won't be very difficult or time consuming.
Moving to GitHub Pages will boost Dataverse project visibility and strengthen our ties within the Open Source ecosystem.
GitHub Pages supports Markdown, which is a common, easy-to-use formatting language
We will use site design approaches and tools to ensure user accessibility.
[ ] Move CoreTrustSeal Guide to the guides site
[x] Create GitHub Pages site
[ ] Create a GitHub Action to publish the site, possibly modeled off the GDCC one.