IQVIA-ML / LightGBM.jl

Julia FFI interface to Microsoft's LightGBM package
93 stars 10 forks source link

InitError: LightGBM.LibraryNotFoundError and ArgumentError: NULL library handle #122

Closed ChristianMichelsen closed 4 months ago

ChristianMichelsen commented 2 years ago


I am having trouble (installing and) using LightGBM.jl.

I have tried a combination of using just LightGBM.jl, or with an external binary (either homebrew or by building from Github). No matter what, if I open Julia 1.7.3 in a new, fresh environment with only LightGBM.jl added, I get the following:

/work/test ❯ julia
  Activating project at `~/work/test`
   _       _ _(_)_     |  Documentation:
  (_)     | (_) (_)    |
   _ _   _| |_  __ _   |  Type "?" for help, "]?" for Pkg help.
  | | | | | | |/ _` |  |
  | | |_| | | | (_| |  |  Version 1.7.3 (2022-05-06)
 _/ |\__'_|_|_|\__'_|  |  Official release
|__/                   |

julia> using LightGBM
[ Info: lib_lightgbm not found in system dirs, trying fallback
ERROR: InitError: LightGBM.LibraryNotFoundError("lib_lightgbm not found. Please ensure this library is either in system dirs or the dedicated paths: [\"/Users/michelsen/.julia/packages/LightGBM/A7zVd/src\"]")
 [1] find_library(library_name::String, custom_paths::Vector{String})
   @ LightGBM ~/.julia/packages/LightGBM/A7zVd/src/LightGBM.jl:32
 [2] __init__()
   @ LightGBM ~/.julia/packages/LightGBM/A7zVd/src/LightGBM.jl:41
 [3] _include_from_serialized(path::String, depmods::Vector{Any})
   @ Base ./loading.jl:768
 [4] _require_search_from_serialized(pkg::Base.PkgId, sourcepath::String)
   @ Base ./loading.jl:854
 [5] _require(pkg::Base.PkgId)
   @ Base ./loading.jl:1097
 [6] require(uuidkey::Base.PkgId)
   @ Base ./loading.jl:1013
 [7] require(into::Module, mod::Symbol)
   @ Base ./loading.jl:997
during initialization of module LightGBM

julia> using LightGBM


That is, when I try to load LightGBM, I first get an error, and then if I try to do load it again, the error disappears. However, when I try to continue with the rest of the example from the readme, I eventually run into the following issue:

julia> fit!(estimator, X_train, y_train, (X_test, y_test))
ERROR: ArgumentError: NULL library handle
 [1] #dlsym#1
   @ ./libdl.jl:57 [inlined]
 [2] dlsym
   @ ./libdl.jl:57 [inlined]
 [3] LGBM_DatasetCreateFromMat(data::Matrix{Float64}, parameters::String, is_row_major::Bool)
   @ LightGBM ~/.julia/packages/LightGBM/A7zVd/src/wrapper.jl:101
 [4] fit!(estimator::LGBMClassification, X::Matrix{Float64}, y::Vector{Float64}, test::Tuple{Matrix{Float64}, Vector{Float64}}; verbosity::Int64, is_row_major::Bool, weights::Vector{Float32}, init_score::Vector{Float64}, truncate_booster::Bool)
   @ LightGBM ~/.julia/packages/LightGBM/A7zVd/src/fit.jl:43
 [5] fit!(estimator::LGBMClassification, X::Matrix{Float64}, y::Vector{Float64}, test::Tuple{Matrix{Float64}, Vector{Float64}})
   @ LightGBM ~/.julia/packages/LightGBM/A7zVd/src/fit.jl:39
 [6] top-level scope
   @ REPL[19]:1


It seems to me that LightGBM.jl does not really "connect" to the "real" LightGBM software.

I have tried adding LightGBM via the Libdl approach and by setting DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH, as pr. the readme's suggestion, but without any luck.

Can someone help me in the right direction?

Right now, lightgbm points to /opt/homebrew/bin/lightgbm, but I have also the LightGBM source at /Users/michelsen/software/LightGBM in case that's relevant.

yaxxie commented 2 years ago

Hi @ChristianMichelsen, thanks for the issue!

So the problem from what I can tell is that the lib fails to load, and this is clear from the original exception. Attempting to load again doesn't re-throw, because it uses the module level init protocol (which is intended for once-runtime loads). Since you effectively ignored the original exception it is not too surprising it doesn't work later on.

This can probably be fixed (the bit where a second import does not re-throw).

As to why the library is not loading: Please can you confirm that you have libomp installed and linkable on the system?

Additionally, you should clarify what you mean by "lightgbm points to /opt/homebrew/bin/lightgbm"? Do you mean to say that the library is in this folder? If so, please confirm that it is there with the filename lib_lightgbm.dylib. Please also confirm that ldd (or whatever the mac equivalent would be) on the file has resolves all link targets.

If the file is present but with a name other than lib_lightgbm.dylib, try creating a symlink in the same folder to file file with that name (and let me know if that was the case, so that we can update the library pointer search for commonly distributed library names)

In general, if you take the vanilla package without any lightgbm library and load it and it throws an exception, it means limomp isn't installed on your system. Please take steps to confirm that it is in fact installed and linkable and report back.

ChristianMichelsen commented 2 years ago

Please can you confirm that you have libomp installed and linkable on the system?

I have run brew install libomp previously, which I assume is enough? Or how do I check that libomp is installed and linkable?

Additionally, you should clarify what you mean by "lightgbm points to /opt/homebrew/bin/lightgbm"?

I mean that when I type lightgbm points to /opt/homebrew/bin/lightgbm. This folder does not contain any lib_lightgbm.dylib.

However, my non-brew installation (at /Users/michelsen/software/LightGBM) contains both the binary lightgbm and Yet, when I set DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH to /Users/michelsen/software/LightGBM via Libdl, it does not change anything (compared to the brew-installed path).

yaxxie commented 2 years ago

However, my non-brew installation (at /Users/michelsen/software/LightGBM) contains both the binary lightgbm and

Compiled from source? I'm surprised you end up with a library with a .so extension rather than a .dylib extension

Could you try to do the following?

ln -s /Users/michelsen/software/LightGBM/ /Users/michelsen/software/LightGBM/lib_lightgbm.dylib
DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=$DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH:/Users/michelsen/software/LightGBM/ julia -e "using LightGBM"

and show me what happens?

ChristianMichelsen commented 2 years ago

To be honest, I just blindly followed the installation guide for Mac.

I tried running your command, but I am still getting:

~/wo/r/julia main ⇡2 !5 ?5 ❯ DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=$DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH:/Users/michelsen/software/LightGBM/ julia -e "using LightGBM"
  Activating project at `~/work/reference_free/julia`
[ Info: lib_lightgbm not found in system dirs, trying fallback
ERROR: InitError: LightGBM.LibraryNotFoundError("lib_lightgbm not found. Please ensure this library is either in system dirs or the dedicated paths: [\"/Users/michelsen/.julia/packages/LightGBM/A7zVd/src\"]")
 [1] find_library(library_name::String, custom_paths::Vector{String})
   @ LightGBM ~/.julia/packages/LightGBM/A7zVd/src/LightGBM.jl:32
 [2] __init__()
   @ LightGBM ~/.julia/packages/LightGBM/A7zVd/src/LightGBM.jl:41
 [3] _include_from_serialized(path::String, depmods::Vector{Any})
   @ Base ./loading.jl:768
 [4] _require_search_from_serialized(pkg::Base.PkgId, sourcepath::String)
   @ Base ./loading.jl:854
 [5] _require(pkg::Base.PkgId)
   @ Base ./loading.jl:1097
 [6] require(uuidkey::Base.PkgId)
   @ Base ./loading.jl:1013
 [7] require(into::Module, mod::Symbol)
   @ Base ./loading.jl:997
during initialization of module LightGBM
yaxxie commented 2 years ago

And the output for this?

ls -l /Users/michelsen/.julia/packages/LightGBM/A7zVd/src
ChristianMichelsen commented 2 years ago
~/software/LightGBM master ❯ ls -l /Users/michelsen/.julia/packages/LightGBM/A7zVd/src
.r--r--r-- 4.1k michelsen  8 Jun 15:42  cv.jl
.r--r--r--  13k michelsen  8 Jun 15:42  estimators.jl
.r--r--r--  12k michelsen  8 Jun 15:42  fit.jl
.rw-r--r-- 3.8M michelsen  8 Jun 15:42  lib_lightgbm.dylib
.rwxr-xr-x 3.3M michelsen  8 Jun 15:56 
.rwxr-xr-x 3.2M michelsen  8 Jun 15:56  lightgbm
.r--r--r-- 1.3k michelsen  8 Jun 15:42  LightGBM.jl
.r--r--r--  16k michelsen  8 Jun 15:42  MLJInterface.jl
.r--r--r-- 2.7k michelsen  8 Jun 15:42  predict.jl
.r--r--r-- 3.3k michelsen  8 Jun 15:42  search_cv.jl
.r--r--r-- 4.0k michelsen  8 Jun 15:42  utils.jl
.r--r--r--  21k michelsen  8 Jun 15:42  wrapper.jl
yaxxie commented 2 years ago

Can you run the following:

otool -l /Users/michelsen/.julia/packages/LightGBM/A7zVd/src/
otool -l /Users/michelsen/.julia/packages/LightGBM/A7zVd/src/lib_lightgbm.dylib
ChristianMichelsen commented 2 years ago
~/software/LightGBM master ❯ otool -l /Users/michelsen/.julia/packages/LightGBM/A7zVd/src/
Load command 0
      cmd LC_SEGMENT_64
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Load command 1
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Load command 2
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Load command 3
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 filesize 1142860
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Load command 4
          cmd LC_ID_DYLIB
      cmdsize 48
         name @rpath/ (offset 24)
   time stamp 1 Thu Jan  1 01:00:01 1970
      current version 0.0.0
compatibility version 0.0.0
Load command 5
  cmdsize 16
  dataoff 2195456
 datasize 47720
Load command 6
  cmdsize 16
  dataoff 2243176
 datasize 42776
Load command 7
     cmd LC_SYMTAB
 cmdsize 24
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Load command 8
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Load command 9
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Load command 10
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 platform 1
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      sdk 12.3
   ntools 1
     tool 3
  version 764.0
Load command 11
  cmdsize 16
  version 0.0
Load command 12
          cmd LC_LOAD_DYLIB
      cmdsize 72
         name /opt/homebrew/opt/libomp/lib/libomp.dylib (offset 24)
   time stamp 2 Thu Jan  1 01:00:02 1970
      current version 5.0.0
compatibility version 5.0.0
Load command 13
          cmd LC_LOAD_DYLIB
      cmdsize 48
         name /usr/lib/libc++.1.dylib (offset 24)
   time stamp 2 Thu Jan  1 01:00:02 1970
      current version 1300.23.0
compatibility version 1.0.0
Load command 14
          cmd LC_LOAD_DYLIB
      cmdsize 56
         name /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib (offset 24)
   time stamp 2 Thu Jan  1 01:00:02 1970
      current version 1311.100.3
compatibility version 1.0.0
Load command 15
  cmdsize 16
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 datasize 7240
Load command 16
      cmd LC_DATA_IN_CODE
  cmdsize 16
  dataoff 2293192
 datasize 0
Load command 17
  cmdsize 16
  dataoff 3312304
 datasize 26012


~/software/LightGBM master ❯ otool -l /Users/michelsen/.julia/packages/LightGBM/A7zVd/src/lib_lightgbm.dylib
Load command 0
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Load command 1
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Load command 2
      cmd LC_SEGMENT_64
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Load command 3
          cmd LC_ID_DYLIB
      cmdsize 48
         name @rpath/ (offset 24)
   time stamp 1 Thu Jan  1 01:00:01 1970
      current version 0.0.0
compatibility version 0.0.0
Load command 4
            cmd LC_DYLD_INFO_ONLY
        cmdsize 48
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 lazy_bind_size 6360
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Load command 5
     cmd LC_SYMTAB
 cmdsize 24
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Load command 6
            cmd LC_DYSYMTAB
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     iextdefsym 6107
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      iundefsym 8067
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         tocoff 0
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   extrefsymoff 0
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 indirectsymoff 2901168
  nindirectsyms 1233
      extreloff 0
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Load command 7
     cmd LC_UUID
 cmdsize 24
    uuid 2F166C75-AF1D-3527-BADE-460A476469D9
Load command 8
  cmdsize 16
  version 10.13
      sdk 10.13
Load command 9
  cmdsize 16
  version 0.0
Load command 10
          cmd LC_LOAD_DYLIB
      cmdsize 64
         name /usr/local/opt/libomp/lib/libomp.dylib (offset 24)
   time stamp 2 Thu Jan  1 01:00:02 1970
      current version 5.0.0
compatibility version 5.0.0
Load command 11
          cmd LC_LOAD_DYLIB
      cmdsize 48
         name /usr/lib/libc++.1.dylib (offset 24)
   time stamp 2 Thu Jan  1 01:00:02 1970
      current version 400.9.0
compatibility version 1.0.0
Load command 12
          cmd LC_LOAD_DYLIB
      cmdsize 56
         name /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib (offset 24)
   time stamp 2 Thu Jan  1 01:00:02 1970
      current version 1252.50.4
compatibility version 1.0.0
Load command 13
  cmdsize 16
  dataoff 2761544
 datasize 6560
Load command 14
      cmd LC_DATA_IN_CODE
  cmdsize 16
  dataoff 2768104
 datasize 232

By the way, thanks a lot for all your help!

yaxxie commented 2 years ago

So, I'm not super familiar with otool output but the fact that each of those points at different locations is definitely concerning/interesting

Show me the outputs for:

ls /usr/local/opt/libomp/lib/libomp.dylib
ls /opt/homebrew/opt/libomp/lib/libomp.dylib
ChristianMichelsen commented 2 years ago
~/software/LightGBM master ❯ ls /usr/local/opt/libomp/lib/libomp.dylib
"/usr/local/opt/libomp/lib/libomp.dylib": No such file or directory (os error 2)

~/software/LightGBM master ❯ ls /opt/homebrew/opt/libomp/lib/libomp.dylib

I'm assuming the result of the first command is also a bit concerning?

yaxxie commented 2 years ago

Yeah so something weird for me is that the so file (I assume this is one you compiled?) links to a file present in your system but the dylib one (which I assume is the supplied one) seems to be with a fixed link to a linkable binary, which isn't present on your system.

My hypothesis is that if you move the dylib away, and move the so to have a dylib extension, it will work. But how your whole system came to be in this state, I can't help so easily with :sweat_smile:

If you could try my suggestion and report back, I'd appreciate it.

The reason why you need to move the so to have dylib extension is just an artifact of how dlopen works, if you give a libname without an extension, it will look for the lib with the current platform specific extension (in your case, dylib)

ChristianMichelsen commented 2 years ago

Okay, so I went into my /Users/michelsen/.julia/packages/LightGBM/A7zVd/src/ directory.

I deleted the original lib_lightgbm.dylib and changed the extension of to lib_lightgbm.dylib. I hope this is what you meant?

However, I still get:

ERROR: InitError: LightGBM.LibraryNotFoundError("lib_lightgbm not found. Please ensure this library is either in system dirs or the dedicated paths: [\"/Users/michelsen/.julia/packages/LightGBM/A7zVd/src\"]")

when I try to import LightGBM in a new Julia session. I might just start over, deleting LightGBM both from Homebrew and my own compiled version (and also delete LightGBM.jl). So, with a new fresh start, what would the approach be?

yaxxie commented 2 years ago

It is supposed to work out of the box with just brew install libomp and ] add LightGBM. This is effectively what the CI tests when it runs the macOS version

Perhaps you can share some relevant details of your mac such as:

Then, as a sanity test, do the following:

pip install virtualenv
virtualenv lgbm
source lgbm/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade setuptools wheel pip
pip install lightgbm

and then try to use lightgbm via python in that virtualenv. This will effectively test whether the standard pypi distributed lightgbm works properly on your machine or not.

ChristianMichelsen commented 2 years ago

Oh, I am sorry about not mentioning this before!

I am running MacOS Monterey (12.4) on an Apple M1 Pro. I have not done anything unusual, at least not intentionally. But yeah, it is an M1, and I've previously run into problems with the native Julia version, so right now I am running 1.7.3 in rosetta mode.

Looking back, I have previously had some trouble with make and homebrew, where I had to run:

export CPATH=/opt/homebrew/include
export LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/homebrew/lib

before make. I do not know if this is relevant or not.

I tried to run your sanity check and it worked without any problems:

~/work ❯ python
Python 3.10.4 (main, Apr 26 2022, 19:36:29) [Clang 13.1.6 (clang-1316.0.21.2)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import lightgbm as lgb

(the above is running in the new lgbm environment.

yaxxie commented 2 years ago

Ok so the next step is to try to find the binary associated with the python installation and copy it to the julia installation

Something like

find lgbm | grep lib_lightgbm
cp <found/file> /Users/michelsen/.julia/packages/LightGBM/A7zVd/src/lib_lightgbm.dylib

if it has an so extension, move it so that it has a dylib extension

yaxxie commented 2 years ago

The other obvious thing to try is

export LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/homebrew/lib

before trying to run the julia process to test LGBM.

yaxxie commented 2 years ago

One last thing, try to run some LGBM code in the python. I didn't think about this until now but the library loading may be deferred

yaxxie commented 2 years ago

@ChristianMichelsen any updates?

FatemehTahavori commented 2 years ago

I have the same issue after changing the laptop, @ChristianMichelsen did you find any solution for this issue?

mattarnoldbio commented 2 years ago

I am having the same problem on Pop!_OS (basically the same as Ubuntu). OpenMP appears to be working fine (I have tested with a gcc -fopenmp MWE). Additionally, the file is compiled in my cloned LightGBM repo (saved to /usr/local) and symlinked to my /usr/local/lib directory). The output of sudo ldconfig -v shows a line for at the expected location. Even after running export LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib, opening a Julia terminal and issuing using LightGBM still produces the same message [ Info: lib_lightgbm not found in system dirs, trying fallback). Any help would be greatly appreciated!

yaxxie commented 2 years ago

@mattarnoldbio can you try with LD_LIBRARY_PATH

yaxxie commented 2 years ago

@FatemehTahavori did you switch to a mac m1?

FatemehTahavori commented 2 years ago

I think the issue is with libpath = Libdl.find_library(library_name, custom_paths), I tested with library_name and custom_paths and still was empty. Yes I should use M1 for now but I had the same issue in colab:

FatemehTahavori commented 2 years ago

I managed to sort out this issue (I am M1 mac user). I am not sure what actually fixed the issue. I would like one of you try out these steps:

abeot commented 2 years ago

Hi, I also have the same issue and tried the steps @fatemehTahavori recommended. However, it does not. I think the error might occur when LightGBM is installed without libomp, because that is what I did.

yaxxie commented 2 years ago

Hi @albertc100

However, it does not.

Sorry I didn't understand, did you mean to say it does not work or the issue does not occur any longer after trying the steps?

I believe I understand the root cause, would you be willing to try some alternative steps?

abeot commented 2 years ago

Hello @yaxxie, Sorry for the typo, I was trying to say the problem did not go away. If there are some alternative steps, then I would be willing to take them.

yaxxie commented 2 years ago

There are two options here if I understood the root cause correctly: Linking libraries across architectures cannot work (sounds obvious when written down). The entire chain needs to be for one architecture or another (Intel or ARM)

Julia 1.7 ships Intel only Julia 1.8 RCs are shipping with experimental ARM builds (link)

If you want to go Intel builds, or don't want to use 1.8 yet, you need to make sure you have rosetta enabled brew installed. This should help:

Then, if you're using Intel julia, you should arch -x86_64 brew install libomp arch -x86_64 brew install lightgbm. This will get the libs for you. I'm not sure exactly where they will be, but you should try looking in /opt/homebrew/lib. Then, you can try running julia by doing DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=<the_location> julia and it should work.

It is basically the same if you want to use the ARM build, but instead you're restricted to julia 1.8 (experimental build) and instead of doing arch -x86_64 brew install simply do brew install.

The critical bit here really is making sure your installed libs architecture matches the choice of julia binary architecture.

If you're compiling own lightgbm from source you'll need to take additional steps to find out / know what architecture you're compiling for. N.B. the bundled binary is Intel.

I hope this helps. If you have any specific issues please give as much information as possible, and I'll try to help.

abeot commented 2 years ago

Thanks! For some reason, I still get an error even though the file lib_lightgbm.dylib is in the /opt/homebrew/lib directory. Furthermore, when I run echo $DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH I get /opt/homebrew/lib, but the InitError is still thrown.

EDIT: I fixed it by setting the path to /usr/local/homebrew/opt/lightgbm/lib. This may have worked because this was the Intel installed by the Rosetta homebrew.

Thanks again!

yaxxie commented 2 years ago

Thanks for taking the time to try this out. Could you just confirm then that you were using rosetta julia and did the brew install with arch -x86_64?

abeot commented 2 years ago

Yes, the brew did install. I checked the both directories and found Homebrew.

kainkad commented 4 months ago

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