IQVIA-ML / TreeParzen.jl

TreeParzen.jl, a pure Julia hyperparameter optimiser with MLJ integration
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Please compare the speed and quality of results of pure julia packages (evotrees example) #83

Closed MrBenzWorld closed 3 months ago

MrBenzWorld commented 1 year ago

MLJ is best, i have started learning julia beacuse of MLJ. it is good ,and i appriciate it. I would like to use pure julia pakages ( grading boosting packages , Ex: Evotrees)

Please , use some real dataset ( Ex : which are avaible Kaggle, House pricing .etc..) Please use EvoTrees with MLJ , optmize it (TreeParzen is not working ). show the speed and quality of results. I would like to use pure julia codes for my research work. But im not getting better results. Please add some example with pure julia packages (MLJ+EvoTrees+TreeParzen ..etc) and compare results quality. you have lot examples but did not comapare.

Please help, Thank you

ablaom commented 1 year ago

(TreeParzen is not working ).

Can you please explain why you say TreeParzen is not working? A simple example would be great. Please report results of using Pkg; Pkg.status().

ablaom commented 1 year ago

MrBenzWorld commented 1 year ago

Thank you. Now it is working. @ablaom