IRE-Mudlet-Mapping / AchaeaCrowdmap

This repository holds the crowdsourced map for the MUD Achaea.
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Realtime crowd map? #70

Open adayoung opened 3 years ago

adayoung commented 3 years ago

Hi! Is there any interest in a realtime crowd mapping system? I was reading about how database replication works and I figured hey that crowdmap could be doing this! Here's how I think it works:

  1. The mapping efforts generate a transaction log of what changes need to change in the map db
  2. This log goes in a central (append only?) database or log storage
  3. A client retrieves this log and plays it to generate a local map db
  4. For updating, the same client requests logs newer than what they already have; playing through it updates their db

It's a very rough idea! Thoughts, anyone?

keneanung commented 3 years ago

I'm a bit sceptical. Conflicts might be hard to detect and handle. There's also no instance of quality control (even though it's currently a bit hindering, tbh).

I guess this is to solve the long running PRs. Maybe more people that are able to approve map changes would help here?

ryanstadther commented 3 years ago

Would this have to be like a built into mudlet thing? Because when I make map changes I do a quite a bit with the mapping script aliases...but still some with the GUI and even just mudlet functions to get things looking right. Especially when it comes to custom exit lines, special exits and room weights.

Also what would happen if we had to roll back a map like we did recently due to a mudlet issue (interacting with SVO) that was causing a crash? I suppose someone would have to go back in and undo all the changes causing issues to get it into this log?

Interesting idea!