IRIS-Solutions-Team / IRIS-Toolbox

[IrisToolbox] for Macroeconomic Modeling
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Error in postparse function #277

Closed frnix closed 3 years ago

frnix commented 3 years ago

Hi Jaromir,

I'd like to report an error when loading a model with floor/nonnegative optimal policy option set (MATLAB 2020a & IRIS v.20201008). Accessing FLOOR_PREFIX through model.component.Quantity should fix it.

Regards, Francis

Step to reproduce: m = Model(filename, 'optimal=',{'type=','commitment' ,'nonnegative=','x'});

error msg: The property 'Quantity' in class 'model' must be accessed from a class instance because it is not a Constant property.

Error in model/postparse/hereCreatePlaceholdersForOptimal (line 362) floorParameterName = string(model.Quantity.FLOOR_PREFIX) + string(optimalOpt.Floor);

Error in model/postparse (line 133) hereCreatePlaceholdersForOptimal( );

Error in model/file2model (line 52) this = postparse(this, quantity, equation, log, euc, puc, collector, opt, optimalOpt);

Error in model (line 595) [this, opt] = file2model(this, modelFile, opt, opt.Preparser, parserOpt, optimalOpt);

Error in Model (line 354) this = this@model(varargin{:});