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[IrisToolbox] for Macroeconomic Modeling
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Armani function #307

Open fbrazdik opened 2 years ago

fbrazdik commented 2 years ago


while trying to create hamilton filter with filter(tser,Armani(8,0,eps),inf)

Armani() ignores AR length as follows:

Armani(8,0,eps) ans = Armani with properties: AR: 1 MA: NaN Tolerance: 2.2204e-16 Parameters: [1×0 double] IsIdentity: 0

Armani(4,1,2) ans = Armani with properties: AR: 1 MA: 1 Tolerance: 2 Parameters: [1×0 double] IsIdentity: 1

I am running Matlab 2021a on the most actual version,

Is it bug or am I doing something wrong?
