IRIS-Solutions-Team / IRIS-Toolbox

[IrisToolbox] for Macroeconomic Modeling
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VAR Estimate Option #398

Open fbrazdik opened 7 months ago

fbrazdik commented 7 months ago

Simple use of TimeWeights like this:

[v, vdata] = estimate(v, d, est_range,'TimeWeights',Series(est_range, 1)) ends with error

End of function VAR.estimate>@(x)isempty(x)||isa(x,'Series | update'). Error using K:\Dynare-IrisToolBox\IRIS-Toolbox-master\TimeSeriesModeling\@VAR\estimate.m The value of 'TimeWeights' is invalid. It must satisfy the function: @(x)isempty(x)||isa(x,'Series | update').

seems like "| update" is extra.