Infrared Multi Protocol Decoder
GNU General Public License v3.0
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BluePill don't work well #18

Closed jrFont-Technologies closed 4 years ago

jrFont-Technologies commented 4 years ago

Bug Report

Arduino Platform



Example to reproduce the issue

Pin(s) used for IR-receive, if not default



Current behavior

First of all, the bluepill circuit was tested with the "SimpleSender" and "SimpleReceiver" examples and it works.The bluepill can send and receive at least NEC and Samsung I.R. codes. The tests was done with a control remote and others Arduino UNO whith IRMP examples.

About my problem with bluepill and "ReceiveAndSend" example, my results over the Serial Monitor when I upload the sketch is:

START C:\Users\Juan\AppData\Local\Temp\arduino_modified_sketch_999079\ReceiveAndSend.ino from Sep  1 2020
Using library version 3.2.0
Ready to receive IR signals  of protocols: SAMSUNG, SAMSG32, at pin PA4
Ready to send IR signals at pin PA5

I can lisen a first "pip" of 2000hz and a continuos tone (7500Hz more or less )over the buzzer and nothing hapens if I send a IR code with a remote. My fisrt thoth thought was "there is a problem with Tone() / noTone() functions (timers)" and there is a mismatching between the pins just read in the console and the pins defined in the "PinDefinitionsAndMore.h" file . I have wired like "PinDefinitionsAndMore.h" file says and it woks fine with others examples.

If I comment:

    tone(TONE_PIN, 2200);
    digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);

Then, now the builtin LED flashs when I use a IR remote (any remote Samsung or NEC) and runs "sendSamsungSmartHubMacro(false);" when the STM32 receives the 0xB54A (only the first time) , I lisen strange tones (like before) and the STM32 freezes.

My conclusions at this point is that the circuit is wired correctly but there is a problem with the software (timers).The circuit woks with easy examples ("SimpleSender" and "SimpleReceiver")but not with a litle more complex.

I chage the code of "ReceiveAndSend", and if I delete the use the Tone() functions and I simply send a code when I receive another then it works. The code:

#include <Arduino.h>

 * Set library modifiers first to set input and output pin etc.
#include "PinDefinitionsAndMore.h"

#define IRMP_PROTOCOL_NAMES 1 // Enable protocol number mapping to protocol strings - requires some FLASH.


 * After setting the definitions we can include the code and compile it.
#define USE_ONE_TIMER_FOR_IRMP_AND_IRSND // otherwise we get an error: redefinition of 'void __vector_8()
#include <irmp.c.h>
#include <irsnd.c.h>

IRMP_DATA irmp_data;
IRMP_DATA irsnd_data;

void sendSamsungSmartHubMacro(bool aDoSelect);
void IRSendWithDelay(uint16_t aCommand, uint16_t aDelayMillis);

void setup()
#if defined(MCUSR)
    MCUSR = 0; // To reset old boot flags for next boot


    delay(2000); // I need time to open the Serial monitor

#if defined(__AVR_ATmega32U4__)
    while (!Serial); //delay for Leonardo, but this loops forever for Maple Serial
#if defined(SERIAL_USB) || defined(SERIAL_PORT_USBVIRTUAL)
    delay(2000); // To be able to connect Serial monitor after reset and before first printout
#if defined(__ESP8266__)
    Serial.println(); // to separate it from the internal boot output

    // Just to know which program is running on my Arduino
    Serial.println(F("START " __FILE__ " from " __DATE__ "\r\nUsing library version " VERSION_IRMP));

 // This makes that we can't receive nothing and lisen a 7.5 Khz tone
    tone(TONE_PIN, 2200);
    digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);
    irmp_irsnd_LEDFeedback(true); // Enable receive signal feedback at LED_BUILTIN for receive and send


#if defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_STM32)
    Serial.print(F("Ready to receive IR signals  of protocols: "));
    Serial.println(F("at pin PA4")); // the internal pin numbers are crazy for the STM32 Boards library
    Serial.println(F("Ready to send IR signals at pin PA5"));// the internal pin numbers are crazy for the STM32 Boards library
    Serial.print(F("Ready to receive IR signals of protocols: "));
    Serial.println(F("at pin " STR(IRMP_INPUT_PIN)));
    Serial.println(F("Ready to send IR signals at pin " STR(IRSND_OUTPUT_PIN)));

    irsnd_data.protocol = IRMP_SAMSUNG32_PROTOCOL;
    irsnd_data.address = 0x0707;
    irsnd_data.flags = 1; // repeat frame 1 time


void loop()

    if (irmp_get_data(&irmp_data))

        switch (irmp_data.command)

        case 0xB54A: // The pause key on the bottom of my Samsung remote
            Serial.println(F("Pause key detected, open SmartHub"));
            IRSendWithDelay(0x9768, 1); // To send anything

        // Flush repeats received

void IRSendWithDelay(uint16_t aCommand, uint16_t aDelayMillis)
    irsnd_data.command = aCommand;
    irsnd_send_data(&irsnd_data, true); // true = wait for frame to end. This stores timer state and restores it after sending

Other usefull data:

If you has read all of this... :) thanks for you patience, I hope I have explained the problem well.