Infrared Multi Protocol Decoder
GNU General Public License v3.0
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CANNOT decode RC6 (TATASKY), PANASONIC AC & Ogeneral AC #51

Closed YUDHPK closed 2 years ago

YUDHPK commented 3 years ago

If you have handling problems or questions, consider to open a discussion instead of an issue.

Bug Report




Example to reproduce the issue


Please delete all unchecked lines above :-)

Pin(s) used for IR-receive, if not default

Current behavior

i am unable to decode tatasky remote's IR signal which uses RC6 Protocol using your code. i found the same codes using IRremote library

Also i cannot decode Panasonic AC's IR code as well as of OGeneral(Fujitsu) AC's

Expected behavior

Also while enabling Panasonic codec initially i had trouble because it didnt display a compile time warning in SelectALLProtocols example to disable KASEIKYO protocol .

Additional context


We will start to close issues that do not follow these guidelines as it doesn't help the contributors who spend time trying to solve issues if the community ignores guidelines!

ArminJo commented 3 years ago

i found the same codes using IRremote library

So you are lucky!

Also i cannot decode Panasonic AC's IR code as well as of OGeneral(Fujitsu) AC's

Try IRremote for this

it didnt display


YUDHPK commented 3 years ago

I initially used IRremote but consumed a lot of memory so when i came to know about IRMP Library i tried to use this library but encountered issue with an RC6 Tatasky remote. What my project needs is only decoding constantly in hex format and displaying it on lcd like the SelectAllProtocols example. But i must be able to decode rc6 along with it. And ac remotes if possible. So please help what should i do? If you need rc6 value list i can provide it just tell me in which format? I will try my best

YUDHPK commented 3 years ago

Also when i modified the select all protocols example to show the no. Of protocols activated it showed 44 in default configuration and 47 with F_interrupts 20000 and Merlin activated out of 61 total available

ArminJo commented 3 years ago

You can post the IRremote long timing output of the protocols in question.

YUDHPK commented 3 years ago

I will try as soon as possible but currently my laptop's hard disk crashed