IRedFoxI / SkeeveBot

SkeeveBot the PUG Mumble bot
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Implement a Perpetual Restart Mechanism #5

Closed Orvid closed 11 years ago

Orvid commented 11 years ago

Essentially this is required so I stop killing SkeeveBot when I encounter a bug. It would preferably include a holdback timer (in case it's an error caused by something like a temporary internet outage, in which case we don't need to be constantly trying to restart it, the time it waits before retrying would scale up, up to a maximum time of 5 minutes or so between attempts)

IRedFoxI commented 11 years ago

Thanks for the restart mechanism, that is helpful because I keep adding things to it that make it crash.

But for the reconnecting to the server, I would like to move that to the MumbleClient class, as the bot connects to multiple mumble servers at the same time, I don't want to crash the bot it if it loses connection to just one. I tried a simple client.connect but it moaned about expecting a SSH key when it got a String. Need to look into that some more. I'll close this one and leave the other open.

Orvid commented 11 years ago

We might want to implement the backoff mechanism at some point soon, as the bot has been disconnecting and reconnecting from the NA mumble for the last 10 minutes...

Orvid commented 11 years ago

For the moment, I've shutdown SkeeveBot, as it was disconnecting exactly every 59 seconds, without throwing any exceptions (none that I was able to see)

IRedFoxI commented 11 years ago

Yeah that was my bad, I was on my way home while testing the ELO stuff.