IRicTheCoder / ViktorsDiskoveries

[THIS HAS BEEN DISCONTINUED, THERE IS A NEW NAME AND MOD] A expansion like mod for Slime Rancher (Using SRML)
MIT License
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Misc New Slimes #52

Open PrinceWizardWolf opened 3 years ago

PrinceWizardWolf commented 3 years ago

Note Slimes

What will this slime look like?

Shaped like a eighth note and comes in eight colors. Each color sometimes plays a pitch. Red, high pitch, orange, a bit lower, pink, lowest, etc. (rainbow red to pink). Hover a bit but not as much as phosphors. A bit smaller than a normal slime. Glows at night.

What kind of slime is it?

Diet & Favorite Food

A berry that kind of of looks like chimes. Its fav food will be the berry that matches its color.


Shape of a regular plot, but matches slimes color and pitch.

Favorite Toy

A twinkle slime plush.

Slime Technical Sheet



Activity Pattern

Can become a largo?


The Courtyard and Ogdens Wonderland. Also any other areas that have shrines, ruins, temples etc.

Condition to find?

Runs away from the rancher unless they play a chime of its type.




Vac Upgrade or Condition (If you choose Upgrade or Conditional above)

Requires the chime of its type to be played.


Cannot synergize.

Possible names for the slime? (Optional)

Music slime. Note slime.

Additional context I did not create the image.

PrinceWizardWolf commented 3 years ago

Statue Slime

What will this slime look like?

A grey slime with cracks on its body. Looks like a statue of a slime.

What kind of slime is it?

Diet & Favorite Food

Eats meat. Fav food is stony hen.


normal plort shape, but looks grey and cracked like its stone.

Favority Toy


Slime Technical Sheet



Risk for the rancher? (If you choose something other than Passive above)

Can attack the rancher if very hungry. Also only moves when the rancher isn't looking.

Activity Pattern

Can become a largo?


Any area. Apearnace slightly changes depending on area. (vines in forest, crystals in quarry, etc).

Condition to find?

No conditions.




Vac Upgrade or Condition (If you choose Upgrade or Conditional above)

Heavy Duty Vaccing: allows the vaccing of Stone/Statue slimes but 'increasing' the suction.


Don't know you can decide.

Possible names for the slime? (Optional)

Stone slime, Statue slime.

Additional context Image is not mine.

PrinceWizardWolf commented 3 years ago

New Slime Suggestion

NOTE: If you wish to present more than one slime in this suggestion write each one in a comment and use the following structure

What will this slime look like?

A clear and concise description of what this slime will look like Black during day, at night covered in glowing neon stripes.

What kind of slime is it?

Diet & Favorite Food

What kind of diet and favority food would this slime have? Fav food glow shrooms. Eats any mushroom.


What would be it's plort, does it have any abilities? Black during day, at night covered in glowing neon stripes.

Favority Toy

Does it have a favority toy? Neon ball?

Slime Technical Sheet


Mutation of what slime? (If you choose Mutation above)

Identify a slime that this is a mutation of, if it is a mutation of something previously suggested, say it is a suggestion given before Mutation of a rad slime or crystal slime.


Risk for the rancher? (If you choose something other than Passive above)

What is the risk for the rancher? Directly or Indirectly

Activity Pattern

Can become a largo?

Largo Specification (If you choose specific above)

What are the slimes this slime can make largos with?


Either give a specific location or give an idea of places where it could spawn In caves, somewhere with mushrooms (its food).

Condition to find?

If this slime has a condition to find or see it, write it here No conditions.


Environment Specification (If you choose other above)

Specify the type of environment and talk a bit about it



Vac Upgrade or Condition (If you choose Upgrade or Conditional above)

Explain what is the upgrade or condition for this slime to be vacced


Can this slime synergize with another? If so provide a list of suggestions Mosaic, rad or crystal?

Possible names for the slime? (Optional)

If you wish to, please give some names for this slime Neon Slime. Glow Slime.

Additional context

Add any other context or screenshots about the feature suggestion here. Neon Slime Image is not mine.

PrinceWizardWolf commented 3 years ago

New Slime Suggestion

NOTE: If you wish to present more than one slime in this suggestion write each one in a comment and use the following structure

What will this slime look like?

A clear and concise description of what this slime will look like Hovers above the ground. Cloudy: a simple white puffy cloud. Sunny: A yellow sun with rays. Rainy: Grey puffy cloud with rain dripping. Stormy: Black cloud with lightning.

What kind of slime is it?

Diet & Favorite Food

What kind of diet and favority food would this slime have? Absorbs sunlight and rain.


What would be it's plort, does it have any abilities? Plort matches the weather.

Favority Toy

Does it have a favority toy? A cloud? Sun? Bolt?

Slime Technical Sheet


Mutation of what slime? (If you choose Mutation above)

Identify a slime that this is a mutation of, if it is a mutation of something previously suggested, say it is a suggestion given before Mutation of a rad slime or crystal slime.


Risk for the rancher? (If you choose something other than Passive above)

What is the risk for the rancher? Directly or Indirectly During storms the bolt of lightning do damage.

Activity Pattern

Can become a largo?

Largo Specification (If you choose specific above)

What are the slimes this slime can make largos with? Phosphors.


Either give a specific location or give an idea of places where it could spawn Anywhere but is rare. Less rare than a gold, but still rare.

Condition to find?

If this slime has a condition to find or see it, write it here No conditions.


Environment Specification (If you choose other above)

Specify the type of environment and talk a bit about it



Vac Upgrade or Condition (If you choose Upgrade or Conditional above)

Explain what is the upgrade or condition for this slime to be vacced Cannot be vacked in sunny form. If shot with water it turns stormy and becomes vacable.


Can this slime synergize with another? If so provide a list of suggestions Phosphor?

Possible names for the slime? (Optional)

If you wish to, please give some names for this slime Weather Slime.

Additional context

Add any other context or screenshots about the feature suggestion here. image image image

Image is not mine.

PrinceWizardWolf commented 3 years ago

New Slime Suggestion

NOTE: If you wish to present more than one slime in this suggestion write each one in a comment and use the following structure

What will this slime look like?

Looks like secret style pods. Gold, Purple accents, maybe spikes?

What kind of slime is it?

Diet & Favorite Food

What kind of diet and favorite food would this slime have? Starfruit.


What would be it's plort, does it have any abilities? Bottom half gold, with some simple designs, top purple kind of galaxy.

Favorite Toy

Does it have a favorite toy? Gold bar.

Slime Technical Sheet


Mutation of what slime? (If you choose Mutation above)

Identify a slime that this is a mutation of, if it is a mutation of something previously suggested, say it is a suggestion given before


Risk for the rancher? (If you choose something other than Passive above)

What is the risk for the rancher? Directly or Indirectly

Activity Pattern

Can become a largo?

Largo Specification (If you choose specific above)

What are the slimes this slime can make largos with?


Either give a specific location or give an idea of places where it could spawn Read next section.

Condition to find?

If this slime has a condition to find or see it, write it here Appears after opening a pod. The rarer the pod the high the chance of finding. Also has a chance (gold slime chance) to apear in the wild anywhere.


Environment Specification (If you choose other above)

Specify the type of environment and talk a bit about it



Vac Upgrade or Condition (If you choose Upgrade or Conditional above)

Explain what is the upgrade or condition for this slime to be vacced After finding one you unlock an upgrade to vac them. The next pod is guaranteed to have one.


Can this slime synergize with another? If so provide a list of suggestions Cannot synergize.

Possible names for the slime? (Optional)

If you wish to, please give some names for this slime Treasure Slime. Imperial Slime.

Additional context

Add any other context or screenshots about the feature suggestion here. image image A LOT more like the pod though. I did not create the image.

PrinceWizardWolf commented 3 years ago

New Slime Suggestion

NOTE: If you wish to present more than one slime in this suggestion write each one in a comment and use the following structure

What will this slime look like?

Silver slightly transparent with color changing mandalas on it.

What kind of slime is it?

Diet & Favorite Food

What kind of diet and favorite food would this slime have? Eats fruit. Fav is a silver dragon fruit with mandalas on it.


What would be it's plort, does it have any abilities? Plort looks just like the slime.

Favorite Toy

Does it have a favorite toy? Silver coin?

Slime Technical Sheet


Mutation of what slime? (If you choose Mutation above)

Identify a slime that this is a mutation of, if it is a mutation of something previously suggested, say it is a suggestion given before


Risk for the rancher? (If you choose something other than Passive above)

What is the risk for the rancher? Directly or Indirectly

Activity Pattern

Can become a largo?

Largo Specification (If you choose specific above)

What are the slimes this slime can make largos with?


Either give a specific location or give an idea of places where it could spawn A temple hidden in forest?

Condition to find?

If this slime has a condition to find or see it, write it here


Environment Specification (If you choose other above)

Specify the type of environment and talk a bit about it



Vac Upgrade or Condition (If you choose Upgrade or Conditional above)

Explain what is the upgrade or condition for this slime to be vacced Requires upgrade: Magic Dust. Allows rancher to vaccum maagic dust. (Like the water puddles). Once magic dust is shot at it, the slime turns black and becomes vacable. it regains color after a few seconds.


Can this slime synergize with another? If so provide a list of suggestions Statue Slime, which makes a Forgotten Slime and Imperial Slime which makes a Emperor Slime.

Possible names for the slime? (Optional)

If you wish to, please give some names for this slime Mandala Slime. Zen Slime.

Additional context

Add any other context or screenshots about the feature suggestion here. image image image image

More like the second but silver, and the mandalas shows how the mandala should look. I did not create the image.

PrinceWizardWolf commented 3 years ago

New Slime Suggestion

NOTE: If you wish to present more than one slime in this suggestion write each one in a comment and use the following structure

What will this slime look like?

Kind of like a green fox made of leaves.

What kind of slime is it?

Diet & Favorite Food

What kind of diet and favorite food would this slime have? Eats meat. Fav is Monomi Hens. (Hens made of leaves and green)


What would be it's plort, does it have any abilities? Plort is green and covered in leaves.

Favorite Toy

Does it have a favorite toy? A bush.

Slime Technical Sheet


Mutation of what slime? (If you choose Mutation above)

Identify a slime that this is a mutation of, if it is a mutation of something previously suggested, say it is a suggestion given before


Risk for the rancher? (If you choose something other than Passive above)

What is the risk for the rancher? Directly or Indirectly

Activity Pattern

Can become a largo?

Largo Specification (If you choose specific above)

What are the slimes this slime can make largos with?


Either give a specific location or give an idea of places where it could spawn Can spawn at the Monomi Shrine. A hidden shrine decorated with statues that look line the Monomi logo.

Condition to find?

If this slime has a condition to find or see it, write it here


Environment Specification (If you choose other above)

Specify the type of environment and talk a bit about it



Vac Upgrade or Condition (If you choose Upgrade or Conditional above)

Explain what is the upgrade or condition for this slime to be vacced


Can this slime synergize with another? If so provide a list of suggestions Can with a gold slime, which makes King Slime.

Possible names for the slime? (Optional)

If you wish to, please give some names for this slime Monomi Slime.

Additional context

Add any other context or screenshots about the feature suggestion here. image image

I did not create the image.

PrinceWizardWolf commented 3 years ago

New Slime Suggestion

NOTE: If you wish to present more than one slime in this suggestion write each one in a comment and use the following structure

What will this slime look like?

Black, blue, purple. eight legs, and an O shaped mouth.

What kind of slime is it?

Diet & Favorite Food

What kind of diet and favorite food would this slime have? Eats sea food, but fav is clams.


What would be it's plort, does it have any abilities? Plort is black like ink, and has a swirly pattern.

Favorite Toy

Does it have a favorite toy? A pearl.

Slime Technical Sheet


Mutation of what slime? (If you choose Mutation above)

Identify a slime that this is a mutation of, if it is a mutation of something previously suggested, say it is a suggestion given before


Risk for the rancher? (If you choose something other than Passive above)

What is the risk for the rancher? Directly or Indirectly If startled it will shoot out black ink making it hard to see.

Activity Pattern

Can become a largo?

Largo Specification (If you choose specific above)

What are the slimes this slime can make largos with? Only slimes that live in water.


Either give a specific location or give an idea of places where it could spawn Any deep ocean area.

Condition to find?

If this slime has a condition to find or see it, write it here


Environment Specification (If you choose other above)

Specify the type of environment and talk a bit about it



Vac Upgrade or Condition (If you choose Upgrade or Conditional above)

Explain what is the upgrade or condition for this slime to be vacced


Can this slime synergize with another? If so provide a list of suggestions

Possible names for the slime? (Optional)

If you wish to, please give some names for this slime Octo Slime.

Additional context

Add any other context or screenshots about the feature suggestion here. image image

I did not create the image.

PrinceWizardWolf commented 3 years ago

New Slime Suggestion

NOTE: If you wish to present more than one slime in this suggestion write each one in a comment and use the following structure

What will this slime look like?

Chocolate coloring, either like image 2 or 4 (Bottom of post) or a mix of both.

What kind of slime is it?

Diet & Favorite Food

What kind of diet and favorite food would this slime have? Eats fruit, but its fav is Candy apple.


What would be it's plort, does it have any abilities? Plort is brown, with white cream on top. And sprinkles :)

Favorite Toy

Does it have a favorite toy? A donut.

Slime Technical Sheet


Mutation of what slime? (If you choose Mutation above)

Identify a slime that this is a mutation of, if it is a mutation of something previously suggested, say it is a suggestion given before


Risk for the rancher? (If you choose something other than Passive above)

What is the risk for the rancher? Directly or Indirectly If really hungry it turns dark dark brown and try to eat you.

Activity Pattern

Can become a largo?

Largo Specification (If you choose specific above)

What are the slimes this slime can make largos with? Only sweet themed slimes.


Either give a specific location or give an idea of places where it could spawn Ogdens wonderland, or maybe a candyland?

Condition to find?

If this slime has a condition to find or see it, write it here


Environment Specification (If you choose other above)

Specify the type of environment and talk a bit about it



Vac Upgrade or Condition (If you choose Upgrade or Conditional above)

Explain what is the upgrade or condition for this slime to be vacced It cannot be vacced when extremely hungry (able to eat you).


Can this slime synergize with another? If so provide a list of suggestions

Possible names for the slime? (Optional)

If you wish to, please give some names for this slime Cocoa Slime. Chocolate Slime.

Additional context

Add any other context or screenshots about the feature suggestion here. image image image image

I did not create the image.

PrinceWizardWolf commented 3 years ago

New Slime Suggestion

NOTE: If you wish to present more than one slime in this suggestion write each one in a comment and use the following structure

What will this slime look like?

Photos at bottom of post. The appearance will change base on the chickens in the area.

What kind of slime is it?

Diet & Favorite Food

What kind of diet and favorite food would this slime have? Eats slimes, and its fav is whatever slime favs the hen its based off.


What would be it's plort, does it have any abilities? See photo 2 at bottom of post. keep the generic plort shape though.

Favorite Toy

Does it have a favorite toy? A egg, to pretends its their baby.

Slime Technical Sheet


Mutation of what slime? (If you choose Mutation above)

Identify a slime that this is a mutation of, if it is a mutation of something previously suggested, say it is a suggestion given before


Risk for the rancher? (If you choose something other than Passive above)

What is the risk for the rancher? Directly or Indirectly Attacks rancher, if nearby when feeding slimes hens.

Activity Pattern

Can become a largo?

Largo Specification (If you choose specific above)

What are the slimes this slime can make largos with?


Either give a specific location or give an idea of places where it could spawn Any area.

Condition to find?

If this slime has a condition to find or see it, write it here They have a chance to shoot out of hen nests.


Environment Specification (If you choose other above)

Specify the type of environment and talk a bit about it



Vac Upgrade or Condition (If you choose Upgrade or Conditional above)

Explain what is the upgrade or condition for this slime to be vacced Only vaccable if no hens are in your inventory.


Can this slime synergize with another? If so provide a list of suggestions

Possible names for the slime? (Optional)

If you wish to, please give some names for this slime Hen Slime. Chicken Slime.

Additional context

Add any other context or screenshots about the feature suggestion here. image image image

Image 2 is kinda how the plorts should look. I did not create the image.