IS2511 / ChatIS

ChatIS v3 (the long awaited sequel) [WIP]
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Suggestion for much better text-stroke #16

Closed Johnnycyan closed 2 days ago

Johnnycyan commented 1 year ago

The webkit-text-stroke that is currently used is terrible as it puts the stroke inside of the text instead of outlining the text. This means it reduces readability especially on larger sizes. I propose you instead use a combination of drop-shadow and text-shadow filters which can replicate a text-stroke but is actually properly on the outside of the text. The drop-shadow filters go on the name to support 7tv name paints and the text-shadow filters go on the message to avoid emotes getting a stroke applied. The text-stroke has 4 more axis to properly cover the entire text.

The only downside to this method is you can only use whole number pixels and because there is essentially one on each side the size is twice the pixel value. So this means it can only replicate the stroke sizes of 2 and 4 in the current system. But this does theoretically allow as large of a stroke as you want since it isn't placed inside the text.

Here is an example css code using this method

:root {
    --message-stroke: 2px; /*The stroke size of the message which is always 2x the stroke size of the name. Size of 2px is equal to the current stroke=2. 4px is equal to stroke=4.*/
    --message-stroke-min: -2px; /*The negative stroke size of the message which is always 2x the stroke size of the name. Size of -2px is equal to the current stroke=2. -4px is equal to stroke=4.*/
    --name-stroke: 1px; /*The stroke size of the name which has to be half the size of the message stroke because of how drop-shadows are calculated. Size of 1px is equal to the current stroke=2. 2px is equal to stroke=4.*/
    --name-stroke-min: -1px; /*The negative stroke size of the name which has to be half the size of the message stroke because of how drop-shadows are calculated. Size of -1px is equal to the current stroke=2. -2px is equal to stroke=4.*/

.nick {
        drop-shadow(var(--name-stroke-min) var(--name-stroke-min) 0 #000)
        drop-shadow(var(--name-stroke) var(--name-stroke-min) 0 #000)
        drop-shadow(var(--name-stroke) var(--name-stroke) 0 #000)
        drop-shadow(var(--name-stroke-min) var(--name-stroke) 0 #000);

.message, .colon {
        var(--message-stroke-min) var(--message-stroke-min) 0 #000,
        0 var(--message-stroke-min) 0 #000,
        var(--message-stroke) var(--message-stroke-min) 0 #000,
        var(--message-stroke) 0 0 #000,
        var(--message-stroke) var(--message-stroke) 0 #000,
        0 var(--message-stroke) 0 #000,
        var(--message-stroke-min) var(--message-stroke) 0 #000,
        var(--message-stroke-min) 0 0 #000;

And here is an example image comparing the current stroke method with this shadow method: chrome_imeIWOHvrr chrome_aMntZ0f3t5

IS2511 commented 8 months ago

Honestly forgot if I added this or not, probably didn't.

IS2511 commented 2 days ago

Yeah, forgot to close this. Currently the shadow setting uses filter: drop-shadow();. No text-shadow because I'm pretty sure it looks terrible or breaks something, like the 7tv namepaints. Either way, right now shadows look ok. If there is ever any improvement in CSS in this direction, don't hesitate to open another issue.