ISA-tools / ISAvalidator-ISAconverter-BIImanager

The ISAvalidator, ISA converter and BII data manager tools
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Fix Icons / visual semantics in Unloader #21

Closed sneumann closed 12 years ago

sneumann commented 13 years ago


when unloading a study I am always confused how to select the studies to unload: is the red X the mark for unloading ? Is the little grey blob in front of it for multiple selection ? Please stick to established interface designs.

Ah, I have to green-tick for unloading, but that's somewhat counterintuitive.

Yours, Steffen

eamonnmag commented 13 years ago

when unloading a study I am always confused how to select the studies to unload: is the red X the mark for unloading ? Is the little grey blob in front of it for multiple selection ?

This is a fair comment.

Please stick to established interface designs.

In fairness, there are not too many "established designs". I would counter argue that noone has really come up with an established design or way or displaying this sort of interface. But I will definitely review this part of the tool. Do you have any suggestions for icons/symbols to use?