ISA-tools / ISAvalidator-ISAconverter-BIImanager

The ISAvalidator, ISA converter and BII data manager tools
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SRA conversion - if dates in tab are ISO8601 they are not passed to SRA output #65

Open djcomlab opened 7 years ago

djcomlab commented 7 years ago

I noticed that if you format dates (submission date and public release date) into the ISO8601 format, the SRA converter seems to ignore them, when using BII-S-7. To get the converter to pick them up you need to have in formate dd/mm/yyyy, which is not ideal.

proccaserra commented 7 years ago

could be linked to the fact that ISAcreator does not enforce ISO8601 in Date fields. something we should address

djcomlab commented 7 years ago

The dd/mm/yyyy does however make it easier for data entry for the user. Strictly speaking the spec says it should be ISO8601, and the date formatting is picked up by the validators, but I guess we could make the lower level tools strict and perhaps user tools transparent to the strictness?

proccaserra commented 7 years ago

+1, the UI should present a calendar and user's selection is saved in the ISA specified/expected format. does java calendar to ISO 8601 exist?

djcomlab commented 7 years ago

I believe it's possible to map any Java Date object to any format we like and there's some in-built formatters for this, so I'm sure it can be done to ISO 8601 also.