ISA-tools / MAGEtoISAconverter

Converter which can pull from ArrayExpress (by an accession number) or read local files and convert them to ISAtab. Lead by Philippe Rocca-Serra & Eamonn Maguire, University of Oxford
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Identically named attribute columns for same node #12

Closed ngehlenborg closed 12 years ago

ngehlenborg commented 12 years ago

(Originally reported in the ISAforum:!topic/isaforum/ikNZH9Or570)

We found that in some study files (possibly also assay files) generated by the converter from ArrayExpress MAGE-TAB files multiple, identically named attribute columns are generated for the same node.

One example for this can be found in the study file generated for E-GEOD-16013:

The characteristics "tissue/development stage", "time point" and "tissue" appear twice and are assigned to the source name node. It appears that the MAGE-TAB SDRF file is the source of this duplication.

Our suggested solution is to merge the duplicated columns for each node by concatenating their content.