ISA-tools / MAGEtoISAconverter

Converter which can pull from ArrayExpress (by an accession number) or read local files and convert them to ISAtab. Lead by Philippe Rocca-Serra & Eamonn Maguire, University of Oxford
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Assay file names incorrect #22

Open DanBerrios opened 8 years ago

DanBerrios commented 8 years ago

Using the converter on E-GEOD-50653, the resulting assay file name should be "a_E-GEOD-50653_GeneChip_assay.txt, but is instead output as "a_E-GEOD-50653_RNA-Seq_assay.txt", causing errors in ISA-Creator. Probably related: the file has a column named "Derived Data File" instead of "Derived Array Data File", causing load in ISA-Creator to fail as well.