ISA-tools / isa-api

ISA tools API
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Unable to generate ISA-Tab files for a study and associated assays #503

Closed dkstayko closed 9 months ago

dkstayko commented 9 months ago


Upon executing the command - isatab.dump(investigation, out_dir) only 'i_investigation.txt' is generated, and corresponding study or assay files are missing.

On the other hand, a json file containing all investigation, study and assays data is generated successfully via - with open(os.path.join(out_dir, "isa.json"), "w") as out_file: json.dump( investigation, out_file, cls=ISAJSONEncoder, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))

I am using isatools 0.14.2

Thank you for your support in advance.
