ISA-tools / mzml2isa

Parser to get meta information from mzML file and parse relevant information to a ISA-Tab structure
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Write unittests #18

Closed althonos closed 5 years ago

althonos commented 7 years ago


Since the current build can take up to more than an hour, it would be preferable to have more fine-grained tests to use with mzml2isa. While we want to ensure compatibility with MetaboLights studies, it is useless to generate ISA files for the whole set of mzML files.

A new design of test follows that I'll work on implementing in the feat-tests branch.


using unittest as a testing framework:

File: test_mzml

Test behaviour of mzml2isa.mzml.mzMLmeta on an unique, embedded mzML file

File: test_imzml

Test behaviour of mzml2isa.mzml.imzMLmeta on an unique, embedded imzML file

File: test_mtbls

File: test_api

Test functions exposed by the mzml2isa.parsing module

File: test_cli

Test command line interface of mzML2isa with several argument values

File: test_usermeta_loader

Test importing of piped json, json file and xlsx file containing metadata

New requirements:

agbeltran commented 7 years ago

@althonos unit tests should usually be run in a few seconds (irrespective if it is in CI or not). I was wondering why you think it is important to run the test over all the Mtbls datasets? this could be available as part of the functionality instead

althonos commented 7 years ago

Parsing on all metabolights datasets is mandatory as most mzML files are not following the standard format defined by the HUPO-PSI, so we end up having lots of slight differences that could make the program fail.

I implemented a long testing series to check that mzml2isa would AT LEAST not fail on MTBLS publicly available mzml.

What i will probably be doing instead is just checking 1 file per study as all mzml files in the same study should follow the same (maybe nonstandard) format.

althonos commented 5 years ago

Implemented in v1.0.0.