ISA-tools / mzml2isa

Parser to get meta information from mzML file and parse relevant information to a ISA-Tab structure
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Missing unitCvRef in cvParam with units cause crash #5

Open althonos opened 7 years ago

althonos commented 7 years ago

Originally opened by @althonos on althonos/mzml2isa:

Blocks such as: (from tiny.msdata.mzML0.99.10.mzML)

<cvParam cvRef="MS" accession="MS:1000016" name="scan time" value="5.8905" unitAccession="MS:1000038" unitName="minute"/>

cause crash, for a unitCvRef attribute is lacking. Proper format (according to the HUPO-PSO standard would be:

<cvParam cvRef="MS" accession="MS:1000016" name="scan time" value="5.8905" unitAccession="MS:1000038" unitName="minute", unitCvRef="MS"/>