ISBX / apprtc-node-server

The web based video chat app based on WebRTC written in NodeJS
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Open bigrender opened 9 years ago

bigrender commented 9 years ago

I setup python version && nodejs server . Both are running well.. but when i try to Response " NO TURN SERVER " Maybe TURN_BASE_URL make some this problem.

TURN_BASE_URL: '', TURN_URL_TEMPLATE: '%s/turn?username=%s&key=%s', CEOD_KEY: '4080218913',

This is not work at all.

another sample. I referece .

TURN_BASE_URL = '' TURN_URL_TEMPLATE = '%s/turn?username=%s&key=%s' CEOD_KEY = 'diveinedu'

this is working well..

I would like to use or own custom webserver.

If someone know how to fix this issue.

let me know thanks.

coolwr commented 9 years ago

For a local area network (LAN) you do not need a turn server. If you want to do WebRTC over the internet you can setup Google's open source rfc5766-turn-server. I set one up on Amazon Web Services (AWS) EC2 instance using the pre-set Amazon AMI. It was super simple to setup and then you just modify the config file with your parameters and restart. See the following for instructions:!topic/discuss-webrtc/X-OeIUC0efs

bigrender commented 9 years ago

Thanks a lot.

I will try this..

thanks again

On Thu, Jun 11, 2015 at 10:24 AM, Kelly Chu wrote:

For a local area network (LAN) you do not need a turn server. If you want to do WebRTC over the internet you can setup Google's open source rfc5766-turn-server. I set one up on Amazon Web Services (AWS) EC2 instance using the pre-set Amazon AMI. It was super simple to setup and then you just modify the config file with your parameters and restart. See the following for instructions:!topic/discuss-webrtc/X-OeIUC0efs

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub .

seok min choi

+82 10 7222 0571

bigrender commented 9 years ago

I installed turn-server and installed..

then I just changed TURN_BASE_URL

example )

But it's not working ..just say NO TURN Server

plz review my script if they are something wrong.. plz let me know .

var util = require('util'); var querystring = require('querystring'); var https = require('https'); var http = require('http'); var express = require('express'); var router = express.Router(); var Rooms = require('../lib/rooms.js'); var rooms = new Rooms();



function generateRandom(length) { var word = ''; for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { word += Math.floor((Math.random() * 10)); } return word; }

// HD is on by default for desktop Chrome, but not Android or Firefox (yet) function getHDDefault(userAgent) { if (userAgent.indexOf('Android') > -1 || userAgent.indexOf('Chrome') == -1) { return false; } return true; }

// iceServers will be filled in by the TURN HTTP request. function makePCConfig(iceTransports) { var config = { iceServers: [] }; if (iceTransports) { config.iceTransports = iceTransports; } return config; }

function maybeAddConstraint(constraints, param, constraint) { var object = {}; if (param && param.toLowerCase() == 'true') { object[constraint] = true; constraints['optional'].push(object); } else if (param && param.toLowerCase() == 'false') { object[constraint] = false; constraints['optional'].push(object); } return constraints; }

function makePCConstraints(dtls, dscp, ipv6) { var constraints = { optional: [] }; maybeAddConstraint(constraints, dtls, 'DtlsSrtpKeyAgreement'); maybeAddConstraint(constraints, dscp, 'googDscp'); maybeAddConstraint(constraints, ipv6, 'googIPv6'); return constraints; }

function addMediaTrackConstraint(trackConstraints, constraintString) { var tokens = constraintString.split(':'); var mandatory = true; if (tokens.length == 2) { // If specified, e.g. mandatory:minHeight=720, set mandatory appropriately. mandatory = (tokens[0] == 'mandatory'); } else if (tokens.length >= 1) { // Otherwise, default to mandatory, except for goog constraints, which // won't work in other browsers. mandatory = !tokens[0].indexOf('goog') == 0; }

if (tokens.length > 0) { tokens = tokens[tokens.length-1].split('='); if (tokens.length == 2) { if (mandatory) { trackConstraints.mandatory[tokens[0]] = tokens[1]; } else { var object = {}; object[tokens[0]] = tokens[1]; trackConstraints.optional.push(object); } } else { console.error('Ignoring malformed constraint: ' + constraintString); } } }

function makeMediaTrackConstraints(constraintsString) { var trackConstraints; if (!constraintsString || constraintsString.toLowerCase() == 'true') { trackConstraints = true; } else if (constraintsString.toLowerCase() == 'false') { trackConstraints = false; } else { trackConstraints = { mandatory: {}, optional: [] }; var constraintsArray = constraintsString.split(','); for (var i in constraintsArray) { var constraintString = constraintsArray[i]; addMediaTrackConstraint(trackConstraints, constraintString); } } return trackConstraints; }

function makeMediaStreamConstraints(audio, video, firefoxFakeDevice) { var streamConstraints = { audio: makeMediaTrackConstraints(audio), video: makeMediaTrackConstraints(video) }; if (firefoxFakeDevice) streamConstraints.fake = true; return streamConstraints; }

function getWSSParameters(req) { var wssHostPortPair = req.query['wshpp']; var wssTLS = req.query['wstls'];

if (!wssHostPortPair) { // Attempt to get a wss server from the status provided by prober, // if that fails, use fallback value.

//TODO: setup memcache
//var memcacheClient = memcache.Client();
//var wssActiveHost =

memcache_client.get(constants.WSS_HOST_ACTIVE_HOST_KEY); //if (constants.WSS_HOST_PORT_PAIRS.indexOf(wssActiveHost) > -1) { // wssHostPortPair = wssActiveHost; //} else { // console.warn('Invalid or no value returned from memcache, using fallback: ' + JSON.stringify(wssActiveHost)); wssHostPortPair = constants.WSS_HOST_PORT_PAIRS[0]; //} }

if (wssTLS && wssTLS == 'false') { return { wssUrl: 'ws://' + wssHostPortPair + '/ws', wssPostUrl: 'http://' + wssHostPortPair, host: wssHostPortPair } } else { return { wssUrl: 'wss://' + wssHostPortPair + '/ws', wssPostUrl: 'https://' + wssHostPortPair, host: wssHostPortPair } } }

function getVersionInfo() { //TODO: parse version_info.json return undefined; }

function getRoomParameters(req, roomId, clientId, isInitiator) { var errorMessages = []; var userAgent = req.headers['user-agent']; //Which ICE candidates to allow. This is useful for forcing a call to run over TURN, by setting it=relay. var iceTransports = req.query['it'];

// Which TURN transport= to allow (i.e., only TURN URLs with transport= // will be used). This is useful for forcing a session to use TURN/TCP, by // setting it=relay&tt=tcp. var turnTransports = req.query['tt'];

// A HTTP server that will be used to find the right TURN servers to use, as // described in var turnBaseUrl = req.query['ts']; if (!turnBaseUrl) turnBaseUrl = constants.TURN_BASE_URL;

/* Use "audio" and "video" to set the media stream constraints. Defined here:

"true" and "false" are recognized and interpreted as bools, for example:
"?audio=true&video=false" (Start an audio-only call.)
"?audio=false" (Start a video-only call.)
If unspecified, the stream constraint defaults to True.

To specify media track constraints, pass in a comma-separated list of
key/value pairs, separated by a "=". Examples:
(Disable echo cancellation and enable gain control.)

(Set the minimum resolution to 1280x720 and enable noise reduction.)

Keys starting with "goog" will be added to the "optional" key; all

others will be added to the "mandatory" key. To override this default behavior, add a "mandatory" or "optional" prefix to each key, e.g. "?video=optional:minWidth=1280,optional:minHeight=720, mandatory:googNoiseReduction=true" (Try to do 1280x720, but be willing to live with less; enable noise reduction or die trying.)

The audio keys are defined here: talk/app/webrtc/
The video keys are defined here: talk/app/webrtc/

*/ var audio = req.query['audio']; var video = req.query['video'];

// Pass firefox_fake_device=1 to pass fake: true in the media constraints, // which will make Firefox use its built-in fake device. var firefoxFakeDevice = req.query['firefox_fake_device'];

/ The hd parameter is a shorthand to determine whether to open the camera at 720p. If no value is provided, use a platform-specific default. When defaulting to HD, use optional constraints, in case the camera doesn't actually support HD modes. / var hd = req.query['hd']; if (hd) hd = hd.toLowerCase(); if (hd && video) { var message = 'The "hd" parameter has overridden video=' + video console.error(message); errorMessages.push(message); } if (hd == 'true') { video = 'mandatory:minWidth=1280,mandatory:minHeight=720'; } else if (!hd && !video && getHDDefault(userAgent)) { video = 'optional:minWidth=1280,optional:minHeight=720'; }

if (req.query['minre'] || req.query['maxre']) { var message = 'The "minre" and "maxre" parameters are no longer supported. Use "video" instead.'; console.error(message); errorMessages.push(message); }

// Options for controlling various networking features. var dtls = req.query['dtls']; var dscp = req.query['dscp']; var ipv6 = req.query['ipv6'];

var debug = req.query['debug']; var includeLoopbackJS = ''; if (debug == 'loopback') { // Set dtls to false as DTLS does not work for loopback. dtls = 'false'; includeLoopbackJS = ''; }

/ TODO(tkchin): We want to provide a TURN request url on the initial get, but we don't provide client_id until a join. For now just generate a random id, but we should make this better. / var username = clientId ? clientId : generateRandom(9); var turnUrl = turnBaseUrl.length > 0 ? util.format(constants.TURN_URL_TEMPLATE, turnBaseUrl, username, constants.CEOD_KEY) : undefined;

var pcConfig = makePCConfig(iceTransports); var pcConstraints = makePCConstraints(dtls, dscp, ipv6); var offerConstraints = { mandatory: {}, optional: [] }; var mediaConstraints = makeMediaStreamConstraints(audio, video, firefoxFakeDevice); var wssParams = getWSSParameters(req); var wssUrl = wssParams.wssUrl; var wssPostUrl = wssParams.wssPostUrl; var bypassJoinConfirmation = false; //TODO: add BYPASS_JOIN_CONFIRMATION flag in environment variable

var params = { 'error_messages': errorMessages, 'is_loopback' : JSON.stringify(debug == 'loopback'), 'pc_config': JSON.stringify(pcConfig), 'pc_constraints': JSON.stringify(pcConstraints), 'offer_constraints': JSON.stringify(offerConstraints), 'media_constraints': JSON.stringify(mediaConstraints), 'turn_url': turnUrl, 'turn_transports': turnTransports, 'include_loopback_js' : includeLoopbackJS, 'wss_url': wssUrl, 'wss_post_url': wssPostUrl, 'bypass_join_confirmation': JSON.stringify(bypassJoinConfirmation), 'version_info': JSON.stringify(getVersionInfo()) };

var protocol = req.headers['x-forwarded-proto']; if (!protocol) protocol = "http"; if (roomId) { params['room_id'] = roomId; params['room_link'] = protocol + "://" + + '/r/' + roomId + '?' + querystring.stringify(req.query); } if (clientId) { params['client_id'] = clientId; } if (typeof isInitiator === 'boolean') { params['is_initiator'] = JSON.stringify(isInitiator); }

return params; }

function getCacheKeyForRoom(host, roomId) { return host + "/" + roomId; }

function addClientToRoom(req, roomId, clientId, isLoopback, callback) { var key = getCacheKeyForRoom(, roomId); rooms.createIfNotExist(key, function(error, room) { if (error) { callback(error); return; } var isInitiator = false; var error = null; var occupancy = room.getOccupancy(); if (occupancy >= 2) { error = constants.RESPONSE_ROOM_FULL; callback(error, { is_initiator: isInitiator, messages:[]}); } else if (room.hasClient(clientId)) { error = constants.RESPONSE_DUPLICATE_CLIENT; callback(error, { is_initiator: isInitiator, messages:[]}); } else { room.join(clientId, function(error, client, otherClient) { if (error) { callback(error, { is_initiator: isInitiator, messages:[]}); return; } if (client.isInitiator && isLoopback) { room.join(constants.LOOPBACK_CLIENT_ID); } var messages = otherClient ? otherClient.messages : []; if (otherClient) otherClient.clearMessages(); console.log('Added client ' + clientId + ' in room ' + roomId); callback(null, { is_initiator: client.isInitiator, messages: messages, room_state: room.toString() }); }); }

}); }

function saveMessageFromClient(host, roomId, clientId, message, callback) { var text = message; var key = getCacheKeyForRoom(host, roomId); rooms.get(key, function(error, room) { if (!room) { console.warn('Unknown room: ' + roomId); callback({error: constants.RESPONSE_UNKNOWN_ROOM}, false); } else if (!room.hasClient(clientId)) { console.warn('Unknown client: ' + clientId); callback({error: constants.RESPONSE_UNKNOWN_CLIENT}, false); } else if (room.getOccupancy() > 1) { callback(null, false); } else { var client = room.getClient(clientId); client.addMessage(text); console.log('Saved message for client ' + clientId + ':' + client.toString() + ' in room ' + roomId); callback(null, true); } }); }

router.get('/', function(req, res, next) { // Parse out parameters from request. var params = getRoomParameters(req, null, null, null); res.render("index_template", params); });'/join/:roomId', function(req, res, next) { var roomId = req.params.roomId; var clientId = generateRandom(8); var isLoopback = req.query['debug'] == 'loopback'; addClientToRoom(req, roomId, clientId, isLoopback, function(error, result) { if (error) { console.error('Error adding client to room: ' + error + ', room_state=' + result.room_state); res.send({result: error, params: result}); return; } var params = getRoomParameters(req, roomId, clientId, result.is_initiator); params.messages = result.messages; //TODO(tkchin): Clean up response format. For simplicity put everything in //params for now. res.send({ result: 'SUCCESS', params: params }); console.log('User ' + clientId + ' joined room ' + roomId); console.log('Room ' + roomId + ' has state ' + result.room_state);

}); });'/message/:roomId/:clientId', function(req, res, next) { var roomId = req.params.roomId; var clientId = req.params.clientId; var message = req.body; saveMessageFromClient(, roomId, clientId, message, function(error, saved) { if (error) { res.send({ result: error }); return; } if (saved) { res.send({ result: constants.RESPONSE_SUCCESS }); } else { //Other client joined, forward to collider. Do this outside the lock. // Note: this may fail in local dev server due to not having the right //certificate file locally for SSL validation. // Note: loopback scenario follows this code path. // TODO(tkchin): consider async fetch here. console.log('Forwarding message to collider from room ' + roomId + ' client ' + clientId); var wssParams = getWSSParameters(req); var postOptions = { host: '',//, port: 443, path: '/' + roomId + '/' + clientId, method: 'POST' }; var postRequest = https.request(postOptions, function(httpRes) { if (httpRes.statusCode == 200) { res.send({ result: constants.RESPONSE_SUCCESS }); } else { console.error('Failed to send message to collider: ' + httpRes.statusCode); // TODO(tkchin): better error handling. res.status(httpRes.statusCode); } }); postRequest.write(message); postRequest.end(); } }); });

router.get('/r/:roomId', function(req, res, next) { var roomId = req.params.roomId; var key = getCacheKeyForRoom(, roomId); rooms.get(key, function(error, room) { if (room) { console.log('Room ' + roomId + ' has state ' + room.toString()); // Check if room is full if (room.getOccupancy() >= 2) { console.log('Room ' + roomId + ' is full'); res.render('full_template', {}); return; } } // Parse out room parameters from request. var params = getRoomParameters(req, roomId, null, null); // room_id/room_link will be included in the returned parameters // so the client will launch the requested room. res.render('index_template', params); }); });'/leave/:roomId/:clientId', function(req, res, next) { var roomId = req.params.roomId; var clientId = req.params.clientId; var key = getCacheKeyForRoom(, roomId); rooms.get(key, function(error, room) { if (!room) { console.warn('Unknown room: ' + roomId); callback({error: constants.RESPONSE_UNKNOWN_ROOM}, false); } else if (!room.hasClient(clientId)) { console.warn('Unknown client: ' + clientId); callback({error: constants.RESPONSE_UNKNOWN_CLIENT}, false); } else { room.removeClient(clientId, function(error, isRemoved, otherClient) { if (error) { res.send({ result: error }); return; } if (room.hasClient(constants.LOOPBACK_CLIENT_ID)) { room.removeClient(constants.LOOPBACK_CLIENT_ID, function(error, isRemoved) { res.send({ result: constants.RESPONSE_SUCCESS }); }); } else { if (otherClient) { otherClient.isInitiator = true; } } }); } }); res.send({ result: constants.RESPONSE_SUCCESS }); });

module.exports = router;

On Thu, Jun 11, 2015 at 10:29 AM, Cook Ken wrote:

Thanks a lot.

I will try this..

thanks again

On Thu, Jun 11, 2015 at 10:24 AM, Kelly Chu wrote:

For a local area network (LAN) you do not need a turn server. If you want to do WebRTC over the internet you can setup Google's open source rfc5766-turn-server. I set one up on Amazon Web Services (AWS) EC2 instance using the pre-set Amazon AMI. It was super simple to setup and then you just modify the config file with your parameters and restart. See the following for instructions:!topic/discuss-webrtc/X-OeIUC0efs

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub .

seok min choi

+82 10 7222 0571

seok min choi

+82 10 7222 0571

bigrender commented 9 years ago

Hi there.

I got something..

The reason "NO TURN SERVER ISSUE" is "XMLHttpRequest cannot load No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin '' is therefore not allowed access."

mean No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header issue..Do you have any idea to resolve this issue?


Best Regards

On Thu, Jun 11, 2015 at 10:24 AM, Kelly Chu wrote:

For a local area network (LAN) you do not need a turn server. If you want to do WebRTC over the internet you can setup Google's open source rfc5766-turn-server. I set one up on Amazon Web Services (AWS) EC2 instance using the pre-set Amazon AMI. It was super simple to setup and then you just modify the config file with your parameters and restart. See the following for instructions:!topic/discuss-webrtc/X-OeIUC0efs

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub .

seok min choi

+82 10 7222 0571

coolwr commented 9 years ago

You need to use the python or node JS version of the /turn web request handler to generate the Turn Server URIs.

Operation chain:

  1. Browser navigates to https://[your domain]/r/[room number](this is the python or node js AppRTC server)
  2. A request is then made to https://[your domain]/turn?username=[generated username]&key=[generated numeric key]
  3. The /turn request handler will return back the JSON request with the URI to the Turn Server Looks like your is your turn server and not the AppRTC server. Seems you are doing something wrong there.

On Mon, Jun 22, 2015 at 10:35 PM, sm wrote:

Hi there.

I got something..

The reason "NO TURN SERVER ISSUE" is "XMLHttpRequest cannot load No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin '' is therefore not allowed access."

mean No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header issue..Do you have any idea to resolve this issue?


Best Regards

On Thu, Jun 11, 2015 at 10:24 AM, Kelly Chu wrote:

For a local area network (LAN) you do not need a turn server. If you want to do WebRTC over the internet you can setup Google's open source rfc5766-turn-server. I set one up on Amazon Web Services (AWS) EC2 instance using the pre-set Amazon AMI. It was super simple to setup and then you just modify the config file with your parameters and restart. See the following for instructions:!topic/discuss-webrtc/X-OeIUC0efs

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub <


seok min choi

+82 10 7222 0571

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub .

chenwandong commented 2 years ago

hello, i have same issue;i install a coturn turnserve ;how to start a web coturn turnserve?