ISC-HEI / isc-hei-report

A typst template for reports in the ISC @ HEI curricula
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UML and software engineering examples #10

Open pmudry opened 1 week ago

pmudry commented 1 week ago
pmudry commented 1 week ago

pintorita is probably not best way to go... mermaid could be a nice alternative, at least my experience so far has been great.

LordBaryhobal commented 1 week ago

I have made a very basic UML class diagram package for our report which looks like this: image It is not meant for more complex diagrams with relationships between classes, but it works pretty well in simple cases where you want to describe the contents of a single class.

Regarding state machines, there is the fletcher package, but it is not very practical to use due to its grid-based design (at least in my experience). I have managed to make some state machines directly using CeTZ, although I haven't implemented any auto-layout feature image

I will try and see if I can do something for sequence diagrams using CeTZ Let me know if any of this can be of use for the template or if you'd prefer using other tools

pmudry commented 1 week ago

Hi ! All those examples are really nice... still... the use of a layout engine really helps and might render the overall process easier. I found that is a very nice alternative to older (but great) engines such as graphviz. I would definitely try to investigate into this direction especially since d2lang has a Mozilla license.