ISCAS007 / torchseg

use pytorch to do image semantic segmentation
GNU General Public License v3.0
7 stars 1 forks source link

experiment results (continue updating) #15

Open yzbx opened 6 years ago

yzbx commented 6 years ago

miou for cityscapes val dataset

repositor net name note miou
deeplab deeplab_base - 0.59
deeplab deeplab_edge - 0.57
torchseg pspnet - 0.50

offical result

net_name backbone dataset note miou
pspnet resnet101 voc - 82.6
pspnet resnet101 voc coco 85.4
pspnet resnet101 cityscape - 78.4
pspnet resnet101 cityscape coarse 80.2
pspnet resnet50 ade20k ms 42.78
deeplabv3+ xception voc - 87.8
deeplabv3+ xception voc JFT 89.0

miou for voc val dataset

network note miou
deeplab v3+ paper report 0.8339
deeplab v3+ no change 0.837-0.838
deeplab v3+ +branch ~0.838
deeplab v3+ +ms 0.8422
deeplab v3+ +flip -
yzbx commented 6 years ago

adam vs sgd

pytorch experiment on cityscapes dataset

model optimizer learning rate miou train miou val
pspnet 100 epoch adam 0.0001 0.80 0.55
pspnet 100 epoch sgd 0.01 0.76 0.53
pspnet 200 epoch sgd 0.01 0.80 0.54

sgd with 200 epoch, but the miou is on 100/200 epoch for poly learning rate schedule adam with 100 epoch

yzbx commented 6 years ago

edge overfit

screenshot from 2018-09-03 23-19-10

yzbx commented 6 years ago

adam vs sgd

pytorch experiment on cityscapes dataset

model optimizer learning rate miou train miou val
pspnet adam 0.0001 0.80 0.55
pspnet sgd 0.01 0.76 0.53

sgd with 200 epoch, but the miou is on 100 epoch for poly learning rate schedule adam with 100 epoch

psp_edge miou

pytorch + cityscapes bug: psp_edge not support poly sgd, use adam default

model epoch note date train val
psp_edge 200 base 2018/09/01 0.81 0.53
psp_edge 80 base 2018/09/01 0.74 0.51
psp_edge 160 ignore_index 2018/09/02 0.87 0
psp_edge 80 ignore_index 2018/09/02 0.82 0.50
psp_edge 80 poly edge weight 2018/09/03 0.82 0.50
psp_edge 200 poly edge weight 2018/09/03 0.86 0
psp_edge 200 overfit0.5**2 2018/09/03 0.8+ 0
psp_edge 200 balance_weight 2018/09/06 0.76 0.50
psp_edge 200 edge_lass_num4 2018/09/06 0.79 0.53
psp_edge 200 ignore_edge 2018/09/08 ? ?


note step date train val
edge_class_num4 30k 2018-09-06 0.27 0.40
train_with_eval 30k 2018-09-06 0.24 0.40
ignore_edge_new 30k 2018-09-08 ? ?

pytorch with regularization

model backbone epoch date train val
pspnet resnet50 200 2018/09/08 ? ?
pspnet resnet101 200 2018/09/08 ? ?
yzbx commented 6 years ago

pytorch experiment summary 2018-09-09

screenshot from 2018-09-09 19-34-34

yzbx commented 5 years ago

edge and seg order

edge_seg_order date epoch train val
edge512_first 2018/09/13 200 0.7534 0.4889
edge512_later 2018/09/11 200 0.7198 0.4633
edge_first 2018/09/11 200 0.6623 0.4671
edge_later 2018/09/10 200 0.6960 0.4621
edge_same 2018/09/09 200 0.7571 0.4629

edge type

edge type date epoch train val
semantic edge 2018/09/14 200 0.7415 0.5106
canny edge + semantic edge 2018/09/15 200 0.7563 0.5188

merge type

merge type epoch train val
cross merge 0 100 0.7677 0.5169
cross merge 1 100 0.7362 0.5086
cross merge 2 100 0.7568 0.4975
merge_seg 200 0.8558 0.5397
yzbx commented 5 years ago

norm ways

for norm_ways in pytorch cityscapes -1,1 0,1 caffe
   python test/ --batch_size=4 --net_name=pspnet \
   --augmentation=True --learning_rate=0.001 --optimizer=adam \
   --backbone_name=resnet50 --backbone_freeze=False --midnet_scale=15 \
   --upsample_type=bilinear --backbone_pretrained=True --n_epoch=50 \
   --note=${norm_ways} --norm_ways=${norm_ways}

experiments result

   train/iou   val/iou        note
0   0.459440  0.403973       caffe
1   0.460660  0.405963     pytorch
2   0.463188  0.416964  cityscapes
3   0.460112  0.400258        -1,1
4   0.460654  0.401508         0,1


for lr in 5e-4 5e-5 2e-4 2e-5
    python test/ --batch_size=4 --net_name=pspnet --backbone_freeze=False \
--midnet_scale=15 --upsample_type=bilinear --backbone_pretrained=True --n_epoch=50 \
--note=cityscapes_$lr --norm_ways=cityscapes --learning_rate=$lr
note learning rate time best train/iou best val/iou
naive_bn4_aug_T - 2018/08/09 0.763474 0.488097
cityscapes 1e-3 2018/09/29 0.463188 0.416964
cityscapes 1e-4 2018/09/30 0.723264 0.528135
cityscapes_x 2e-4 - 0.687637 0.528059
cityscapes_x 5e-4 - 0.560245 0.477189
cityscapes_x 2e-5 - 0.697064 0.534142
cityscapes_x 5e-5 - 0.714838 0.537532

set lr_mult = False

python test/ --batch_size=4 --net_name=pspnet --backbone_freeze=False \
--midnet_scale=15 --upsample_type=bilinear --backbone_pretrained=True --n_epoch=50 \
--note=wo_lr_mult --norm_ways=cityscapes --use_lr_mult=False

python test/ --batch_size=4 --net_name=pspnet --backbone_freeze=False \
--midnet_scale=15 --upsample_type=bilinear --backbone_pretrained=True --n_epoch=50 \
--note=w_lr_mult --norm_ways=cityscapes --use_lr_mult=True
use lr mult best train miou best val miou
True 0.718 0.532
False 0.738 0.526
yzbx commented 5 years ago

learning rate

note=cityscapes* screenshot from 2018-10-10 23-28-42

yzbx commented 5 years ago

batch size

note time epoch best train miou best val miou
nw_cityscpaes 2018-10-09 100 0.788829 0.529173
note train/iou val/iou n_epoch
bn2_wo_batchnorm 0.750111 0.527493 100
bn4_wo_batchnorm 0.772401 0.521195 100
bs2_wo_bn_city 0.752197 0.523592 100
yzbx commented 5 years ago

norm ways

train/iou val/iou note n_epoch
0 0.822187 0.523619 bn2_sgd200_nwpytorch 200
1 0.842374 0.544636 bn2_sgd200_nwcity 200
2 0.847756 0.55307 bn2_sgd200_nwcaffe 200
train/iou val/iou note n_epoch
3 0.659751 0.489004 bn12_nw_pytorch 30
1 0.662099 0.492727 bn12_nw_caffe 30
5 0.657091 0.493804 bn12_nw_pytorch 30
2 0.661716 0.50363 bn12_nw_caffe 30
0 0.663704 0.516348 bn12_nw_caffe 30
4 0.660641 0.524681 bn12_nw_pytorch 30
yzbx commented 5 years ago

bugs in psp_edge

view hyeropt 016 for detail for edge weight = 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1.0 max miou = 0.03 compare to 0.38 for pspnet without edge in the same condition

dataset size, note train/iou val/iou
(320, 'use_bn_017') 0.788159 0.381482
(320, 'wo_bn_015') 0.77847 0.383078
(320, 'wo_bn_016') 0.02894 0.031192
yzbx commented 5 years ago

2018-11-01 - 2018-11-09

screenshot from 2018-11-16 15-07-06

yzbx commented 5 years ago

2018-09-01 - 2018-09-19

screenshot from 2018-11-16 15-10-02

yzbx commented 5 years ago

2018-10-01 - 2018-10-19

screenshot from 2018-11-16 15-02-36

yzbx commented 5 years ago

2018-09-20 - 2018-09-31


yzbx commented 5 years ago

2018-10-20 - 2018-10-31
