ISCAS007 / torchseg

use pytorch to do image semantic segmentation
GNU General Public License v3.0
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hyper params experiment summary #29

Open yzbx opened 6 years ago

yzbx commented 6 years ago

hyper params experiment summary

no influence-> obviously influence :no_mouth: < :heavy_plus_sign: < :yum: < :star:

semantic segmentation miou (mean/max)

hyper params value miou experiments others
lr for sgd 0.01 - hyperopt002, hyperopt :star: 1e-2
lr for adam 1e-4 - hyperopt005/012/013/014 :star: 1e-4
norm_ways - - hyperopt004 :question: , hyperopt007 :question: , norm_ways030 :heavy_plus_sign: caffe/cityscapes
l2_reg [1e-5, 0.1] - hyperopt006 :no_mouth:
dataset size 32->320->640->full 0.22 -> 0.39 -> 0.45 -> 0.57 - :star:
data augmentaion T/F - hyperopt008 :question: :no_mouth:
backbone freeze T/F - hyperopt009 :heavy_plus_sign: T for datasize=32
backbone pretrained T/F - hyperopt010/011 :star: T for datasize=32
use_lr_mult T/F 0.35->0.37 hyperopt011/hyperopt021 :no_mouth: F for datasize=32, :star: T for datasize=320
batch norm T/F 0.378->0.381 [hyperopt015 vs hyperopt007], hyperopt017 :yum: T for batch size=4
edge_weight 0.1,0.2,0.5,1.0 0.03 hyperopt016 :no_mouth: without edge will better
momentum 0.1,0.3,0.5,0.7,0.9 0.381 -> 0.380 -> 0.382 -> 0.388 -> 0.379 hyperopt018 :no_mouth:
upsample layer 3,4,5 0.32->0.38->0.40 hyperopt019 :star: 5 for fcn
use_bias T/F 0.37->0.36,0.32->0.31 hyperopt020,use_bias035 :heavy_plus_sign: T for fcn32, pspnet
yzbx commented 6 years ago

imagecls: cifar100 classification benchmark

the best acc almost the merged acc

train/cls_acc val/cls_acc note fcc_block_number n_epoch name
2 0.9979 0.4039 sota_cnw_9 9 30 fc_net
0 0.99976 0.5655 sota_cnw_6 6 30 fc_net
1 0.99978 0.6169 sota_cnw_3 3 30 fc_net
train/cls_acc val/cls_acc note fcc_block_number n_epoch name
1 0.99868 0.4465 sota_cw_9 9 30 fc_net
2 0.99968 0.5277 sota_cw_6 6 30 fc_net
0 0.99978 0.5905 sota_cw_3 3 30 fc_net
train/cls_acc val/cls_acc note csc_number n_epoch name
3 0.99988 0.6276 sota_000 8 30 csc_net
4 0.99978 0.6376 sota_000 1 30 csc_net
0 0.99976 0.6392 sota_000 2 30 csc_net
1 0.99978 0.6434 sota_000 4 30 csc_net
train/cls_acc val/cls_acc note sm_block_number n_epoch name
1 0.91898 0.3393 sota_depth_000 9 30 sm_net
0 0.99908 0.4792 sota_depth_000 6 30 sm_net
2 0.99976 0.5931 sota_depth_000 3 30 sm_net
train/cls_acc val/cls_acc note sm_block_width n_epoch name
0 0.99978 0.5983 sota_width_000 3 30 sm_net
1 0.99974 0.6005 sota_width_000 9 30 sm_net
2 0.99978 0.6084 sota_width_000 6 30 sm_net
train/cls_acc val/cls_acc note mst_depth n_epoch name
0 0.9928 0.6029 sota_depth_3 3 30 mst_net
1 0.99742 0.6234 sota_depth_2 2 30 mst_net
2 0.9998 0.6406 sota_depth_1 1 30 mst_net
train/cls_acc val/cls_acc note mst_mode n_epoch name
2 0.99296 0.6013 sota_mode_1 1 30 mst_net
0 0.9994 0.6246 sota_mode_111 111 30 mst_net
1 0.99976 0.6634 sota_mode_321 321 30 mst_net
yzbx commented 5 years ago

hyper params experiment summary

no influence-> obviously influence :no_mouth: < :heavy_plus_sign: < :yum: < :star: 1% < 1.5% < 2% < 5%

semantic segmentation miou (mean/max)

hyper params value miou experiments others
class weight T/F 0.36-0.37, 0.35-0.38 class_weight026/027 :no_mouth:
focal loss gamma [1,2] 0.377 - 0.378, 0.386 - 0.403 focal_loss028/029 :yum:
use dropout T/F 0.30 - 0.32 use_dropout034 :yum:
momentum 0.01, 0.05, 0.1 - moment_bias036 :no_mouth:
bias T/F - moment_bias036 :heavy_plus_sign:
lr_mult - 0.31-0.34 lr_mult037 :yum:
upsample_layer 3,4,5 0.37,0.47,0.46 upsample_layer039 :start:
batch_size 4,6,8 - moment_bias036, batch_size040 :no_mouth: T for resnet, F for vgg
focal loss grad T/F 0.397/0.395 fl_grad_042 :no_mouth: T is better
scheduler pop, poly , adam 0.39,0.33,0.41 scheduler043 :star: for data size=320
augmentation T/F 0.318/0.294 aug044 :yum:
freeze_layer - 0.393 - 0.428 freeze_layer045,048 :yum: 5_3,2,1 may better
freeze_ratio 0.3,0.5 0.347,0.343 freeze_ratio051 :no_mouth:
crop_size_step 32,64,128 0.295-0.296 crop_size_step046,47 :no_mouth: 32 is better
crop_size_step 32,64,128 0.255,0.258,0.264 pad_for_crop049 :no_mouth: 128 is better
yzbx commented 5 years ago

image classification hyper params

acc (mean/max)

hyper params value acc experiments others
use_data_aug T/F 0.72/0.66 aug :star:
use_ortho_loss T/F - / - ortho :heavy_plus_sign:
scheduler poly_pop, rop, none -/- poly_rop, rop, pop :heavy_plus_sign: