ISDCF / Sign-Language-Video-Encoding

Sing Language Encoding For Digital Cinema
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hdr not being generated #2

Open DaniloMussolini opened 5 years ago

DaniloMussolini commented 5 years ago

I'm not sure if this is related to the media files I'm using, but the chunk.hdr file is not being generated in the temp folder. I have tried the script in both systems, Linux e MacOS.

Bellow is an output example:

[root@localhost vp9]# perl encode_vp9_wav.perl cilla_black_bean_sauce.mp4 Looking to see if resizing is necessary... Encoding with: Frame Rate: 25 fps Chunk Length: 50 frames Max Chunk Size: 288000 bytes Bitrate: 576000 Resizing: -filter:v scale=w=480:h=640:force_original_aspect_ratio=decrease Success! Encoded all chunks to vp9 read_file '/tmp/Q4AM4wiSLz/chunk.hdr' - sysopen: No such file or directory at encode_vp9_wav.perl line 105.

lucquer4 commented 2 months ago

I encountered the same issue on both my Ubuntu and Debian installations running within the Windows 11 WSL environment. Rather than opting for the official version available through APT repositories, I chose to compile FFMpeg 3.2.4 from its source, as recommended in the file.

In addition, I found it necessary to install the "libfile-slurp-perl" package. However, following this installation, I encountered an error regarding the absence of 'chunk.hdr'.

Subsequently, I opted to start afresh by uninstalling FFMpeg and then reinstalling it from the official repository, thereby acquiring version 4.4.2. Upon rerunning the command, I achieved success.

In summary, the steps are as follows:

On a freshly installed Debian or Ubuntu system within Windows:

lucquer4 commented 2 months ago

I've tested the Sign Language decoding with the "decode-vp9-wav" script and with easyDCP Player 4.0.5