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Vendor Code Suggestion #967

Open jackers2024 opened 2 months ago

jackers2024 commented 2 months ago

I would like to suggest adding a vendor code to the Digital Cinema Naming Convention. Coming after the package type code, the vendor code would be different from the facility code, since the facility that packaged the DCP is most often different from the company vending it. It would be a two-to-four character codifier that would identify the DCP's vendor. For example, "DLX" would still represent Deluxe, giving the codifier another use from being used just as a facility code. Another example would be like "DCDC," representing the Digital Cinema Distribution Coalition.

SteveLLamb commented 2 months ago

I'm assuming by "vendor" you mean "distribution entity"? This has been brought up a few times in the past, and the major issue with it is that at the time of CPL mastering and creation, it likely is not know who will be the distributor, and often there will be multiple distribution paths and vendors, and even different facilities with other vendors for the same CPL. Using your example of DLX and DCDC, we definitely only use DCDC for DCDC specific sites, and those same CPLs go probably 7 other ways, not all controlled or "sent" by Deluxe.

This is the same issue with KDMs as well, we often have multiple vendors and facilities working on the same CPLs doing mastering, kdms, distribution, and delivery. It is usually impossible at time of creation to know that (especially for a 3rd party facility doing an indie title), and it may change with either length of time in the field, or when using the same CPLs as repertory content.

jackers2024 commented 2 months ago

Huh. I thought the distributors choose the vendor before the DCDM process.

SteveLLamb commented 2 months ago

Huh. I thought the distributors choose the vendor before the DCDM process.

Nope, it changes often, and a lot of the time in the middle of a project, multiple times. It gets even crazier outside the DOM US markets.

Also a CPL that goes out via DCDC may be sent via hard drive by us directly if transmissions fail due to weather or other reasons.

jackers2024 commented 2 months ago

Now I get why despite its intended goals, DCDC sends hard drive DCPs in case of bad weather, etc. hampering transmissions.

I think distributors should choose (a) vendor(s) for the DCPs before the DCDM process and stick to that vendor(s) until the DCPs are sent, at the very earliest. The choice of vendors would depend on the area of reach and the type of DCP vending services. (Deluxe has services all over the world.) It would make distribution a whole lot smoother.

SteveLLamb commented 2 months ago

I think I understand your reasoning, in that it would make it easier to track down who sent the DCP when there are issues, but that just isn't how things go. We have this same issue with just trying to collate a list of people to contact for issues in general. We've had this discussion of an escalation list of companies, but it always falls flat due to the same reasons i already mentioned.

Either way though, at this point it's an unknown at DCP creation time, or completely irrelevant at re-distribution time (with the large market for re-releases).

jackers2024 commented 2 months ago

I've been wondering why the studios wouldn't just choose the DCP vendor(s) before the DCDM process and stick to that/those vendors until the DCPs are sent, at the very earliest.