ISET / iset3d-v3

LEGACY: Replaced by iset3d (v4) -- Read a PBRT file. Edit the parameters. Render an ISET scene or optical image.
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t_rayTracingIntroduction.m error #12

Closed youtuyy closed 5 years ago

youtuyy commented 5 years ago

Hi! I got these error when running t_rayTracingIntroduction.m. Similar errors appear for other tutorials using sceneEye(). I wonder what caused the issue. Thank you!

Array indices must be positive integers or logical values.

Error in piGeometryRead (line 128)
                    name = erase(txtLines(obj(jj-1).index-4),'#ObjectName ');

Error in piRead (line 325)
    [thisR,~] = piGeometryRead(thisR); 

Error in loadPbrtScene (line 181)
recipe = piRead(scenePath,'version',3);

Error in sceneEye (line 294)
        [recipe, obj.sceneUnits, obj.workingDir, obj.pbrtFile]  = ...

Error in t_rayTracingIntroduction (line 43)
myScene = sceneEye('numbersAtDepth');
tlian7 commented 5 years ago

Hi @youtuyy,

I believe these errors are because we recently updated the way we read some of our scene files. Sorry about that, I will update this script to match our updated method sometime today.

tlian7 commented 5 years ago

Hi @youtuyy,

I've updated the scripts and scene files to match our new format. Can you do a git pull (for both ISETBio and ISET3d) and try again? The scripts are working fine on my end, but there's always a chance I forgot to push a new change. You might want to delete the following folders so that ISET3d will automatically download the new scene files:


If the scripts run for you now, please let me know and I'll close this issue.

Thanks for your patience!

youtuyy commented 5 years ago

Thank you @tlian7 ! it works for me now.

DavidBrainard commented 5 years ago

t_rayTracingIntroduction runs for me as of this morning.

As with the others, it modifies information under data/V3. We need to find a way to avoid this with tutorials ....

Will continue to test the tutorials as I have a minute.

tlian7 commented 5 years ago

Great! Glad to hear it works now.