ISET / iset3d-v3

LEGACY: Replaced by iset3d (v4) -- Read a PBRT file. Edit the parameters. Render an ISET scene or optical image.
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Tutorials re-organized #21

Closed DavidBrainard closed 3 years ago

DavidBrainard commented 5 years ago

I auto-ran all the tutorials and put the ones that crash into subfolders called "underDevelopment". Tutorials in such folders are skipped in the auto run.

This includes all cloud tutorials because I am not configured for the cloud and they all crash, possibly simply for that reason. Probably we want some standard method to check for whether the cloud is configured and to have routines that need it exit gracefully with a standard helpful message if the required cloud is not available.

This principle might also apply in cases where an account on stanfordlabs flywheel instance is required to obtain a needed asset as well. Since I have such an account, I have considered such tutorials to run even though they will probably crash for a user who isn't in the know.

wandell commented 5 years ago

Right. We have a piDockerExist and related functions for that issue. We should have a piCloudExist and related functions for the issue you identify. @Zhenyi-Liu and I will coordinate on this.

Do we think that we should remove any functions that require the Cloud compute out of iset3d and put them in isetcloud? I am leaning that way.

DavidBrainard commented 5 years ago

I think checking and exiting with a useful message, within iset3d, is acceptable. And, not sure of the right home. Some of the cloud related stuff is in a cloud subdir in iset3d, which might be fine as well. Depends in part on whether isetcloud should depend on iset3d. Probably want the check and message in any case.