ISFH / ioBroker.wmbus

ioBroker wireless M-Bus adapter
GNU General Public License v2.0
12 stars 12 forks source link

Status of this adapter to replace soef Adapter? #5

Open Apollon77 opened 4 years ago

Apollon77 commented 4 years ago


I just found that one while searching for another topic (see next created issue) ... How far ist this work? COuld it repkace the "Old" and "unsupported" soef adapter in repo?

Only npm name need to change or?!

lvogt commented 4 years ago


let me start by saying, that I created this adapter while employed at ISFH, which is no longer the case. I might continue to support the adapter "on my own", but right now I have no testing hardware (even no installed ioBroker). Still, I toy/ed with the idea to rewrite (at least the (w)mbus parser) in typescript. We will see what happens. :man_shrugging:

ISFH uses this adapter in testing / production environments for around a year / half a year and it seems to be quite stable. What is missing in comparison to soef's adapter is support for CUL receivers. This repository has a branch with untested support for the hardware, but I lack the hardware myself. Feedback in the corresponding forum thread is missing.

What is also missing from the ioBroker guidelines point of view, are any tests at all...

Apollon77 commented 4 years ago

Aaahhhh I see ... so first question would be if isfh is ok to take the work over. The license may not allow it that easiely. :-(

Testing is the easiest because basic tests is enough ;-)

Apollon77 commented 4 years ago

@lvogt WHat do you think? Could we have a chance to ask ISFH to change the licence to MIT to allow us taking over the adapter? I can write them if you see a chance ...

lvogt commented 4 years ago

Firstly, why is this even a problem? There are other adapters which are licensed under GPL2. You can even use the software for commercial applications (as long as source code is made available, of course).

About the license: I think there is no chance. The license was chosen, because the parser (or at least the starting point) is a port of the FHEM module which is licensed under GPL2. Soef's adapter also contains a port of an older version, which he licensed under MIT. Licensing of ported software is a difficult topic. We were unsure whether we were bound by the GPL2 license of the original perl module (meaning soef basically broke the license by publishing his code under MIT) or not. So we chose the GPL2 for the whole module, since MIT code (for example from your ioBroker.mbus adapter) can easily be used in an GPL2 licensed project.