You should import .dbf, .prj, .shp and .shx file and export to GeoJson file through mapshaper.
The zip code polygon datas only include zip code and geoID property. For Cloudberry zip code layer, the data should include the state and county information.
I found an csv file that include zip code, state name and city name. And construct the properties of zip code data using the csv file and city json data of Cloudberry.
[ ] Collect more zip code polygon datas.
2. Draw zip code polygons
City layer doesn't exist on my code.
Add 'zipcode.json' file in examples/twittermap/web/public/data path
Add functions to load, find and get zip code datas
Add the zipcode file path
controller.js & countmap.js:
Add the zipcodeStyle that defines the style of polygons.
When the map zoomed, the zip code layer appears on map.
And load geoJson to get zip code polygons.
3. Make geotag datas
Add zipcode file path
Add zip code entity
Zip code datas don't have any city information in their properties. So 'tagCity' function is useless.
Add the TypeLevel of zip code.
Add the case of zip code
Random coordinates are given for null value of coordinates.
The 'textMatchPlace' function is useless, because zip code datas don't have any city information.
Some of tweet doesn't have any coordinate value. If the coordinate is not assigned, this tweet is useless. So random coordinates are given using the bounding box.
Korean Twittermap
1. Construct zip code data
Match data format with Cloudberry.
Simplify zip code data because of big size.
2. Draw zip code polygons
Included the zipcode.json path into codebase.
Zip code layer is also stored in cache like city layer.
[x] Designate random coordinates to Korea datas. (Korean datas don't have any city information.)
[Updated 13/Nov/2018]
U.S Twittermap
same work like Korean twittermap
1. Construct zip code data
Collect U.S zip code polygon datas from that link. Unfortunately, they don't have all of U.S zip codes.
You should import .dbf, .prj, .shp and .shx file and export to GeoJson file through mapshaper.
The zip code polygon datas only include zip code and geoID property. For Cloudberry zip code layer, the data should include the state and county information.
I found an csv file that include zip code, state name and city name. And construct the properties of zip code data using the csv file and city json data of Cloudberry.
2. Draw zip code polygons
City layer doesn't exist on my code.
3. Make geotag datas
The 'textMatchPlace' function is useless, because zip code datas don't have any city information.
Korean Twittermap
1. Construct zip code data
2. Draw zip code polygons
[x] Designate random coordinates to Korea datas. (Korean datas don't have any city information.)
[ ] How to switch city and zip code layer.