ISIS3510-202410-Team-13 / Backend

Efficient time management and meeting coordination
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Script to insert mock data to the db #19

Closed iGotty closed 4 months ago

iGotty commented 5 months ago

This is the script with which the mock data from the backend database was filled, it has the following structure:

Users: { "_id": "0FIh9kLDs38Q2clL5mdE", "name": "Juan Pérez", "profilePicture": "profile_picture_url.jpg", "friends": ["0FIh9kLDs38Q2clL5mdE", "0FJjZTdBONHtNgQHUV5f"], // References to other User documents "groups": ["0Fyenqwq2Q8VEzFG5hrt", "1LrZpd8Wfat6x3GrGWKz"], // References to Group documents "events": ["bja42has38Q2clL5mdE", "2144fsa435clL34dE"] // References to Event documents }

Groups: { "_id": "0Fyenqwq2Q8VEzFG5hrt", "name": "Coffee Lovers", "groupPhoto": "group_photo_url.jpg", "color": "556b2f", "icon": "group_icon_url.jpg", "members": ["0FIh9kLDs38Q2clL5mdE", "0FJjZTdBONHtNgQHUV5f"], // References to User documents "events": ["bja42has38Q2clL5mdE", "2144fsa435clL34dE"] // References to Event documents }

Events: { "_id": "bja42has38Q2clL5mdE", "name": "Coffee Meeting", "description": "A meeting for coffee enthusiasts.", "startDate": "2024-05-01 12:00", "endDate": "2024-05-01 13:00", "color": "556b2f", "labels": ["label1", "label2"], "reminder": 60 // in minutes }