ISIS3510-Seccion-3-Grupo-32 / Documentation

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Organize Work for Sprint 3 #25

Closed jfpatino01 closed 1 year ago

jfpatino01 commented 1 year ago

As far as Sprint 3:


  1. Implement 6 new Business Questions, different from previos Sprint. Must be at least 2 per Type of Question.
  2. Implement 1 strategy for multi-threading/concurrency PER APP. A functionality must use this.
  3. Implement 1 strategy for local storage PER APP. A functionality must use this.
  4. All functionalities must have ECs implemented. At least 1 functionality must use it.
  5. Implement 1 strategy for Caching PER APP. A functionality must use this.
  6. Implement all Sprint 2 Features


  1. We must include and argument Eventual Connectivity Strategies. (ECs) Explain with scenarios and describe and show how app behaves.
  2. Include a list of all functionalities implemented this sprint. Including: a. All Features: Sprint 2 + Sprint 3 b. All Implemented BQs c. Explain ECs d. Explain Local Storage Strategies e. Explain Multi-Threading Strategies f. Explain Caching Strategies

IMPORTANT ⭐⭐⭐ The app MUST be delivered as .apk or ios package on the due date


  1. Be able to explain local storage, eventual connectivity, caching, multi-threading implemented strategies in our platform.