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GUI: Alarm perspective button flashing when shortcut used #1957

Open AdrianPotter opened 7 years ago

AdrianPotter commented 7 years ago

This is different from if you mouse click on the button. I expect the same is true of the IOC log button.

Tom-Willemsen commented 5 years ago

I started looking at this on a stand-down day, I'll note what I found here and put this ticket back into the backlog:

The issue here is that the logic to tell whether the button should flash or stay steady is in the UI layer (AlarmButtonViewModel), whereas the keyboard shortcut entirely bypasses the UI layer and switches the underlying perspective.

I think a better approach would be for the alarm model to listen for a perspective switch event (I believe you can subscribe to these events through one of the eclipse APIs) and then do the flashing/steady state logic in the model or possibly view model.