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Deploy: Create a standalone version of LabView Modules for Ibex #2425

Open AdrianPotter opened 7 years ago

AdrianPotter commented 7 years ago

Currently Ibex uses a few pieces of LabView Modules, but this is outside of our change control and mixes read-only executables with read-write instrument settings. As a (self-aggrandising) system architect I would like a standalone version of LabView modules for Ibex that contains no instrument-specific information.

ChrisM-S commented 7 years ago

There seem to be three or four layers related to "intelligent" third-party applications which we may write some code for and we run as part of Ibex. As with "settings", it would be useful to identify generic paths where this sort of code lives. I don't know if it might be in support modules, but I'm sort of hoping "LabVIEWModules" would naturally find a place in the same tree as the others. I've tried to group them below by example.

The reason this matters is that each storage "class" will be handled differently, the link to the VHDs with different storage types can be done at any folder level but obviously fewer links make the structure easier to maintain.

Platform (installed+system code) Our Code (common, loaded with IBEX) R/O Settings R/W+git (inst specific) Valuable produced or recorded data
Installed with OS platform Installed with IBEX install Initialized/saved/recovered on per instrument basis Moved and archived
No backup (platform kept) No backup backup per inst backup as cache (per inst) until archived
----- ------ ----- -----
LabVIEW Ibex VIs .ini files diagnostics logs
Python Ibex Python code config settings files ???
MySQL SQL scripts recorded settings (my.ini) experiment parameter logs
Java Ibex Java code Java Client/Server settings ???
ICP standard IBEX GENIE python scripts Tables saved Nexus files
NI DAQ NiDAQ tasks configuration files saved data files