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Add IOC for exporting SECI values to IBEX #2928

Open FreddieAkeroyd opened 6 years ago

FreddieAkeroyd commented 6 years ago

As a muon instrument scientist I would like my SECI blocks available is PVs as this will allow me to perform monitoring operations on them more easily. Initially needed for HIFI for detector temperatures.

lvDCOM already as a lvDCOMSECIConfig option to perform this, which has been tested on CRISP. This ticket is to create a formal IOC as the CRISP test was run by modifying the lvdcom example app in place.

commands needed are on in the "seci (isis only)" section

FreddieAkeroyd commented 6 years ago

Running on HIFI as part of HIFI magnet IOC, but needs own ioc really