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Stop All Button: make it more obvious #3508

Open kjwoodsISIS opened 6 years ago

kjwoodsISIS commented 6 years ago

As a scientist using an instrument with many motors, with the potential for items of expensive equipment to collide with one another, I want the "Stop All" button to be very obvious, so that I can easily see it in an emergency. As a scientist using an instrument with few (if any) motors, I do not want the "Stop All" button to take up any more space than it needs to, so that screen real-estate is maximised.

Acceptance Criteria

  1. The Stop All button must be very obvious.
  2. The Stop All button should not be bigger than it currently is.


  1. The two requirements above are, to a degree, mutually contradictory.
    1. if your instrument has many motors (e.g. a reflectometer, IMAT), then the advantage of a large, unmissable STOP button is clear.
    2. if your instrument has few motors, with little or no risk of equipment collision (e.g. IRIS, POLARIS), then a large unmissable STOP button is just wasting screen space.
    3. therefore, a compromise solution is required.
    4. the suggested compromise is this:
      • the size of the Stop All button to remain the same.
      • the Stop All button to be coloured red; the words "Stop All" to be coloured white.

See if you can do #3562 at the same time

ChrisM-S commented 6 years ago

Another thing might be to ensure there is a very obvious hot key (documented clearly next to the button e.g. ALT-H (for Halt Motion). This can save fiddling to get a mouse to the button in a hurry (often the setup on the instrument for mice/pointers is dreadful!).

PS The need to stop urgently may still occur with one motor (e.g. someone sees a rotation stage tangling its cables)

kjwoodsISIS commented 6 years ago

This item came up in the Scientific Advisory Group meeting - there are clearly two schools of thought! The need for a keyboard shortcut was not thought to be a priority. If there is to be a keyboard short cut, it should be some combination that you can't accidentally press (e.g. by dropping your pen, or notebook, on the keyboard). For now, we should not implement a keyboard shortcut. It is not difficult to add a keyboard shortcut at a later date; if scientists find that they really need it, they can ask for it. It is not difficult to add a keyboard shortcut

ThomasLohnert commented 6 years ago

Christy mentioned that they would like ESC to stop all motion on reflectometers. If I remember correctly this is currently the case if pressed inside the front panel vi where they have a big red button for emergencies when things are about to crash, but he would prefer it to be GUI-wide. I will ask him to clarify the requirement in the next meeting.

I think if it is going to be a shortcut it should be something that's easy to trigger, not some combination of keys that will take longer to perform than clicking the button with the mouse. I think it would make sense to let the instruments configure the keybindings according to their needs, which could be either letting them turn it on/off, or letting them set their own key binding.