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INES: Neutron Camera Positioner #3577

Closed kjwoodsISIS closed 5 years ago

kjwoodsISIS commented 5 years ago

As a visiting or instrument scientist working on INES, I want to move my neutron camera in/out of the beam so that I can perform imaging or diffraction experiements as appropriate. As an instrument scientist (but not as a visiting scientist) working on INES, I want to be able to position my neutron camera at any point on its axis.

Acceptance Criteria

  1. The IBEX GUI must report whether the neutron camera is IN or OUT of the beam
  2. Using the IBEX GUI, I can move the neutron camera to be IN the beam
  3. Using the IBEX GUI, I can move the neutron camera to be OUT of the beam
  4. I can use genie_python to change the neutron camera position to be IN or OUT of the beam
  5. As an instrument scientist (but not as a visiting scientist) I can move the neutron camera to any position on its axis (i.e. greater control over camera position, using Manager Mode).


  1. The INES neutron camera is mounted on a single vertical axis. It is moved up to be in the beam, down to be out of the beam.
  2. The instrument scientist would like a positive indication that the neutron camera is in position (e.g. an LED that illuminates when the camera is IN the beam; a separate LED that illuminates when the camera is OUT of the beam).
John-Holt-Tessella commented 5 years ago

This is a Galil motor. Should be in-out setpoint

ThomasLohnert commented 5 years ago

Done as part of the config migration using motion setpoints on the galil but need to implement the two position LEDs in a sensible way. The motion setpoints OPI currently only provides one for whether it is in target position or not.

ThomasLohnert commented 5 years ago