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GUI: Set OPI size on OPI open #4332

Open John-Holt-Tessella opened 5 years ago

John-Holt-Tessella commented 5 years ago

As a MUONFE instrument scientist, I would like an OPI when opened from the synoptic or device screens to open so I can see the whole of the OPI. This is particularly important on a small screen for MuonFE, but I think this will also be important for Reflectometry front panel.

Tom-Willemsen commented 5 years ago

It is easy to get CS-Studio to zoom the OPI so that it fits into the space it's been given (this is an option exposed in the CSS GUI when building an OPI). Of course, if the OPI is too big and the space given is too small, it will be shrunk to the point where it unreadable.

It will be tricky to open different sized eclipse views based on the contents of an OPI. We could just make the default size of the OPI view bigger.

John-Holt-Tessella commented 5 years ago

Yes this could indeed be hard (as an example) Making the default bigger is probably easiest:


it shows:


davidkeymer commented 5 years ago

Is there a method (or option) to only zoom in to fill the available space so that the OPI is never shrunk and made illegible?