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ALARMS: set alarm levels based on offset or percentage #4480

Open FreddieAkeroyd opened 5 years ago

FreddieAkeroyd commented 5 years ago

On RIKENFE (and perhaps elsewhere) it would be useful if the alarm levels for PVs could be defined as a percentage of the setpoint, or as the setpoint +- some absolute difference.

At present, the beamline tuning script sets the alarms to match. But with cset() or set_pv() or using the OPI GUI, the alarm level are unchanged and there may be an alarm if the user intentionally tunes something.


The underlying EPICS behaviour only supports absolute values for HIGH, LOW etc. so we would need to add a mechanism ourselves, possibly something like run control (so you enable “automatic alarm adjustment” and a threshold value and then some underlying logic would monitor changes in SP and adjust alarm levels accordingly).

kjwoodsISIS commented 5 years ago

Suggest creating a service that can run an arbitrary genie_python script in the background. Scientists can then run their own script to implement the desired behaviour. Needs discussion first - it is potentially a large piece of work.