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RIKEN: Solenoid PLC/PSU #5431

Open kjwoodsISIS opened 4 years ago

kjwoodsISIS commented 4 years ago

As a beamline engineer and as an instrument scientist, I need to be able to control the new PSU for the RIKEN solenoid, so that I can control the magnetic field generated by the solenoid. The new PSU will be controlled via a PLC; IBEX will control the PSU via the PLC. The new PSU will be ready for testing in early April (see comment below and #6181 ). IBEX must be ready to control the new PSU by then.


  1. The PSU will have its own dedicated PLC (usually referred to as the "local" PLC)
    • Control of the PSU is via the local PLC
    • The local PLC is an Omron PLC (running the FINS protocol).
  2. IBEX will need to read and write information from/to the local PLC.
    • for the avoidance of doubt: this decision is deliberate, it is how the system is designed to operate
    • the local PLC is the only RIKEN solenoid device that IBEX needs to speak to (see RIKEN Solenoid Schematic).
  3. IBEX will also need to read & display information about the solenoid interlocks.
    • these are provided by a different PLC - the ~"Mitsubishi PLC"~ ABB Cryogenics PLC (the "Cryo PLC")).
    • the Cryo PLC is not on the network (and it will never be on the network - it is old)
    • because the Cryo PLC is not networked, it has been agreed that relays will be used to pass information about the solenoid interlocks from the Cryo PLC to the local PLC.
    • IBEX will read interlock status information from the local PLC
  4. The memory map for the local PLC is likely to be finalised quite late on in the project to assemble to PSU & PLC. However, once it is finalised, the beamline engineers will immediately want to test the system. The IOC and OPI are needed to test the system. Therefore, the IOC and OPI need to be implemented and tested using a dummy memory map while the PSU and PLC are being assembled, so that they can be updated with the final memory map as soon as it is agreed.

Acceptance Criteria

  1. I can view the status of the PSU via the IBEX GUI.
    • Suggested layout of OPI:
    • Main Tab
      1. Current
        1. Current readback (displayed to 2 decimal places, units A)
        2. Current setpoint (displayed to 2 decimal places, units A)
          • minimum value (0.00 A)
          • maximum value (800.00 A)
          • The maximum and minimum values should be configurable macros. Initially, at least, it would be wise to set the maximum value to be slightly less than 800.00A. Initially, set the maximum to, say, 795.00A and increase it in consultation with the instrument scientists.
        3. Current setpoint readback (displayed to 2 decimal places, units A)
        4. If I attempt to set a current outside the allowed range, IBEX should display a warning message.
      2. Voltage
        1. Voltage readback (displayed to 2 decimal places, units V)
          • voltage is a readback field only. It should always be in the range -5.0V to +5.0V
      3. ON/OFF Selector
      4. Ramp Time Selector
        • selectable values:
        • 30 minutes
        • 60 minutes
        • 120 minutes
        • the local PLC will control the ramping, all the user can do is select the ramping duration
      5. Status Indicator (a coloured status message)
        • OFF (white text, black background), meaning PSU is switched off
        • At Zero (black text, white background), meaning PSU is switched on, but current is zero
        • Ramping Up (black text, yellow background), meaning PSU ramping up (not yet at setpoint)
        • Ramping Down (black text, yellow background), meaning PSU is ramping down (not yet at setpoint)
        • At Setpoint (black text, green background), meaning PSU is at setpoint
        • ALARM (white text, red background), meaning there is an alarm condition
        • the local PLC probably won't provide the text of the status messages. The IOC will need to assign the content of the status message, based on the status values returned by the PLC and the readback values of the process variables.
      6. When I change the ON/OFF state, current setpoint and ramp time, IBEX must write these to the local PLC
    • Advanced Tab (Interlock Status)
      1. Magnet Coil Temperature High LED (red)
      2. Cryostat SHE Pressure High LED (red)
      3. Powerlead Temperature Emergency LED (red)
      4. Powerlead Temperature Emergency High LED (red)
      5. Cryostat Vacuum > 10E-03 Torr LED (red)
      6. Cryostat Vacuum > 10E-04 Torr LED (red)
      7. Refrigerator Trip LED (red)
      8. Cooldown Ready LED (green)
      9. Excitation Ready LED (green)
      10. Discharge Valve Open LED (green)
  2. The IOC must provide a binary-valued PV to indicate that the PSU is at setpoint.
    • control scripts need to use the binary-valued PV (they can't rely on the status indicator)
    • the binary-valued PV need not be displayed on the OPI

More Notes

  1. The RIKEN solenoid is an existing device on the RIKEN beamline. It is an old system and is due to be replaced within the next 2-3 years.
    • Because it is an old system, it has an equally old power supply. There is a risk that the old power supply might fail before a new solenoid can be installed.
    • The old PSU is not controlled via IBEX, nor is there any intention that it should be (in fact, it has no communications interface). The objective of this ticket is to provide facilities for controlling the new PSU.
    • In the event that the old PSU fails, the beamline engineers would like to have a spare PSU that they can have ready, "sitting-on-the-shelf" to replace the old PSU. The new PSU will be the spare and it will communicate with IBEX (via the local PLC).
  2. The new PSU will be a TDK Lambda Genesys power supply.
  3. The "local" PLC will be an Omron Sysmac NX1 (NX1029000).
    1. The local PLC will use the FINS protocol
      • For information: There have been discussions about using the CIP protocol. However creating a CIP driver is a big job and is outside of the scope of this ticket. For the avoidance of doubt, CIP will not be used.
  4. The PSU will be directly controlled by the "local" PLC. IBEX will indirectly control the PSU via the PLC.
    1. IBEX will be limited to controlling the following variables (via the "local" PLC):
      • power on / power off
      • current setpoint
      • ramp time setpoint
        • to ramp the current the user will select the time period over which they want the ramp to occur. The local PLC will control the ramping process.
    2. IBEX will be able to read the following variables (from the "local" PLC):
      • power on / power off readback
      • current & voltage readbacks
      • status values (used to determine the status message).
  5. Interlock statuses are provided by the ~Mitsubishi~ ABB PLC (aka "the Cryo PLC").
    1. IBEX is required to display these items of information on the OPI (the final list will be determined nearer the time).
    2. Use the photograph of the existing (hardware) control panel as a guide
    3. The ABB PLC is not networked (see comment below). Information from the ABB PLC will be relayed to the local PLC. IBEX should read the interlock statuses from the local PLC.
  6. The beamline engineers are aiming to test/build the new PSU system by the start of April 2021.
    • As of 25th January 2021, beamline engineers are still working to this schedule (see comment below).
kjwoodsISIS commented 4 years ago

Reply from Jonny R:

The Solenoid controller will be an Omron Sysmac NX1 (NX1029000).

FreddieAkeroyd commented 3 years ago

Expected for December 2020

DominicOram commented 3 years ago

To do this we will need a description of the addresses on the PLC. @Kevin-Woods-Tessella do we have this yet?

kjwoodsISIS commented 3 years ago

@DominicOram - I have asked several times for the PLC memory map (most recently, this morning), but it has yet to be provided. The RIKEN beamline team know we need it.

kjwoodsISIS commented 3 years ago

/remind me to add this issue to a sprint 1st March 2021

DominicOram commented 3 years ago

reminder bot seems to have broken :(

DominicOram commented 3 years ago

/remind me in 1 minute if this is still broken

kjwoodsISIS commented 3 years ago

Original description (retained for information purposes only): As a beamline engineer, I need an interface (OPI) to the new PSU for the RIKEN solenoid, so that I can acquire information about the status of the PSU. Direct control of the PSU will be via a PLC, so IBEX will need to acquire information about the PSU from the PLC.

Acceptance Criteria

  1. I can view the status of the PSU via the IBEX GUI.
    • Suggested layout of OPI:
    • Main Tab
      1. Current readback
      2. Voltage readback
      3. Ramp Rate setting
    • Advanced Tab (Interlock Status)
      1. Magnet Coil Temperature High (red LED, lit if high)
      2. Cryostat SHE Pressure High (red LED, lit if high)
      3. Powerlead Temperature Emergency (red LED, lit if in emergency alarm)
      4. Powerlead Temperature Emergency High (red LED, lit if high)
      5. Cryostat Vacuum > 10E-03 Torr (red LED, lit if > 10E-03 Torr)
      6. Cryostat Vacuum > 10E-04 Torr (red LED, lit if > 10E-04 Torr)
      7. Refrigerator Trip (red LED, lit if tripped)
      8. Cooldown Ready (green LED, lit if ready)
      9. Excitation Ready (green LED, lit if ready)
      10. Discharge Valve Open (green LED, lit if open)
  2. I can obtain the status of the PSU via genie_python scripts.


  1. The RIKEN solenoid is an existing device on the RIKEN beamline. It is an old system and is due to be replaced within the next 2-3 years.
    • Because it is an old system, it has an equally old power supply. There is a risk that the old power supply might fail before a new solenoid can be installed.
    • The old power supply is not controlled via IBEX, nor is there any intention that it should be (the objective of this ticket is to provide facilities for controlling the new PSU).
    • The beamline engineers would like to have a spare PSU that they can have ready, "sitting-on-the-shelf" to replace the old PSU. The spare PSU will communicate with IBEX (via a PLC).
  2. The spare PSU will be a TDK Lambda Genesys power supply.
  3. The PSU itself is expected to be directly controlled by a PLC (Omron Sysmac NX1 (NX1029000)). IBEX will communicate to the PLC.
    1. The PLC is expected to control:
      • setting of currents & voltages
      • ramping of the current
      • PID loop
    2. The PLC might also be able to provide
      • current & voltage readbacks
      • interlock statuses.
    3. IBEX is required to display these items of information on the OPI (the final list will be determined nearer the time).
    4. Use the photograph of the existing (hardware) control panel as a guide
  4. Communications with the PLC will use the FINS protocol
    1. There have been discussions about using the CIP protocol. However creating a CIP driver is a big job and is outside of the scope of this ticket.
  5. The beamline engineers are aiming to test/build the new PSU system by December 2020 (~so that it is available before the start of the long shutdown~).

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kjwoodsISIS commented 3 years ago

The Mitsubishi PLC does not exist. Read on ...

From: Searle, Rob Sent: 20 November 2020 09:04 To: Woods, Kevin Cc: Thomas, Gary; Ranner, Jonny; Lord, James Subject: RE: RIKEN Solenoid PSU & PLC

The Misubishi PLC was replaced by a remote drop of the ABB Cryogenics PLC about 5 years ago. The Cryo PLC is NOT networked, as it is a Windows based system. We have been advised by ABB that this system must remain off the network as there are safety concerns over windows updates etc affecting our ability to control the system, and IT will not allow the PC to be on the network with windows updates turned off. (this is also still a Windows 7 based system – plans to upgrade are on hold due to the possibility of decommissioning the system if the solenoid is replaced)

The signals that you are looking at replicating are all digital outputs from the PLC that energise relays in the Mitsubishi rack, these relays in turn drive the indications on the front panel and the interlocks to the solenoid PSU (a copy of the interlocks drawing, RIKEN_Solenoid_Interlocks_Mitsubishi_SI-9820-155-13.pdf, is in the RIKEN FE folder on the ICP Discussion site).

You would have to pick up the digital signals from the relays and take them into another system to capture them. I believe these are either MY2 or MY4 relays, if the latter then there will be spare contacts available, if they are MY2’s then they could be changed for MY4’s to provide the contacts necessary.

Cheers Rob.


From: Ranner, Jonny Sent: 20 November 2020 10:40 To: Lord, James ; Woods, Kevin; Searle, Rob Cc: Thomas, Gary Subject: RE: RIKEN Solenoid PSU & PLC

Hi all,

I think Andy was planning on only having one external interlock from the cryo plant, but I can look at adding more. We would have to make a modification to Rob’s stuff either way.

Regards, Jonny

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kjwoodsISIS commented 3 years ago

From: Ranner, Jonny Sent: 25 January 2021 23:06 To: Woods, Kevin Cc: Thomas, Gary; Bowden, Jack Subject: RE: RIKEN Solenoid PSU and new Long Shutdown dates

Hi Kevin,

We will still aim for early April. We’re not far off completing the design and will be building the racks soon. Once built, we can plug it into the network and start programming and testing.

Regards, Jonny

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davidkeymer commented 3 years ago

Draught version of PLC memory map: RIKEN_Solenoid_Fields.xlsx

As of 18/09/2021, the PLC has not yet been connected to the network.

davidkeymer commented 1 year ago

Update on 06/03/2023:

The PSU rack is nearly fully assembled. I am waiting for input from DL this week for support with the quench detection system. After this I plan to do some basic testing of the PLC and PSU. The system will then be ready for integration/planning for integration with IBEX.