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Datastreaming: get all data written for one instrument #5827

Open rerpha opened 3 years ago

rerpha commented 3 years ago

Sub-ticket of #5778

So far we have only written a file for MERLIN which contains 3 streams, 1 each of f142. ev42 and hs00. It would be nice as a starting point to write a file for MERLIN which actually matches an ISIS file in entirety, and contains all the streams rather than just 1 example of each.

Acceptance criteria

rerpha commented 3 years ago

For some unknown reason the filewriter did not write f142 streams (sample environment) during the september cycle, this could be due to configuration (we were using isis-filewriter for this)

Streams for histograms and events did work however, which were contained in the file.

As well as this there was some metadata missing from the MERLIN file, but this could be added in quite easily by streaming PV values outside of the selog group.