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Discuss Server Repository Structure #6131

Closed DominicOram closed 3 years ago

DominicOram commented 3 years ago

As a developer I would like to minimise the amount of time I have to spend switching branches, whilst still making sure things are tidy. We should have a discussion as to whether the current repository structure does this.

Acceptance Criteria

FreddieAkeroyd commented 3 years ago

Some things to think about

Do we have too many repositories and are we using submodules right.

For third party epics modules I think separate repositories work well, they can be swapped/upgraded/versioned on separate branches, they do not change very often, and we may want to replace then with a fork rather than import a vendor branch at some point.

When we add a new stream device ioc, we end up with a new support repository, then branches in ioc, device emulator, ioc test, css screen. Do we want to combine these more e.g, should the emulator, test, css, ioc etc all be in the same (new) repository? Or maybe share a repository for some of these elements

Potential alternatives to submodules: git subtree, google repo

DominicOram commented 3 years ago

As part of this discussion we also need to work out the structure of IocTestFramework (

DominicOram commented 3 years ago

Will affect the way the IOC generator works (e.g. like

FreddieAkeroyd commented 3 years ago

Some repository management tools:

DominicOram commented 3 years ago

Can we rename master to main at the same time?

John-Holt-Tessella commented 3 years ago
davidkeymer commented 3 years ago

Could this be an opportunity to rename our account(?) from the now obsolete "ISIS Computing Group" to the current "ISIS Experiment Controls"? I realise this may not be possible and even if it is, may cause more trouble than it's worth!

DominicOram commented 3 years ago

Meeting booked for 15:00 on the 24th May

FreddieAkeroyd commented 3 years ago

Some thoughts

Third Party repositories

Current workflow

Many of our third party repositories, such as EPICS base and other support modules like asyn, are currently done in a “vendor branch” style. Here an update workflow is:

Advantages: no branch naming conflict or imposition from the original (upstream) repository. Disadvantages: need to obtain and merge a new tar/zip file of files; no link to original repository, so no history, and not easy to create PR to send back

Fork workflow

If the vendor repository is on GitHub, then it could be forked

Advantages: full history, no need to import tar file of new release – can merge new release tag tag. Disadvantages: creating a PR will default to the upstream repository, so need to be careful. Also need to consider potential branch name conflicts. Should your local origin/main reflect upsteam/main or diverge?

Clone workflow

A bit like fork, you clone original repository and push to one in our organisation. There is no direct upstream link like with a GitHub fork, so PRs will be against local repository. You get commit history, but will only see branches and tags that you decide depending on how you do the original clone and push.

Advantages: more control, less confusion with PRs Disadvantages: relationship with the original repository is less clear, no so easy to create a PR back to original repo.

Reducing number of repositories

Adding a new IOC results in many repositories: support module for db/protocol, branch in ioc repository, branch in emulators, branch in ioc system tests, branch in ibex_gui for css screen. Many of these are related, can we reduce?

For a stream device ioc you could put db and proto into EPICS-ioc, but still the question of other modules. Would it be useful to be able to put more into the “support” module? For example a “put everything in support” approach would need to consider:

rerpha commented 3 years ago

This is a wild and probably very stupid suggestion:

Could ioc become a monorepo with the support modules built into the root of the directory (not as submodules)? this would reduce the number of repositories and submodules, meaning you only have to create 1 branch to create or modify an IOC.



I understand the git performance may be the biggest limitation here, but i'm not sure how bad it'd be without testing it. Maybe we could use git LFS to speed things up? maybe we should do this anyway for binaries and so on? I don't know enough about it to say.

Alternatively, could support become the monorepo and we keep ioc separate? that way you only create two branches at most rather than 3+ in some cases?

ChrisM-S commented 3 years ago

Probably even more radical, but would it make sense to do both as monorepos? The key here would be to use a file system link link to the support modules from the IOC repo. On compile, dependencies/includes would be picked up from the support module at compile time and built libraries from the same at link time. The .exe would refer to exactly the same paths because I assume the support module structure would still be there on disk at runtime in a normal deployment (and any version information would still be included in the build). The support modules would also be simple in that they would be a complete item.

1) Exporting a complete IOC to somewhere out of our system would then be just a case of copying the visible IOC tree to a separate place (the support modules would be copied along automatically). 2) Both would be modular when built(although the support modules would essentially be a modular library?). 3) Maybe good/maybe bad, built IOCs could potentially be run with different version of support modules (i.e. do copy as above into deployment area if required). Building an earlier version of the support modules would also be easier as there would be no dependencies, just ensuring that the right versions were linked.

Probably a hole in here somewhere, but being able to modularize IOCs in (particular) to nothing more than agreement on basic EPICS/IBEX conventions might allow a single IOC to be exported on it's own - perhaps on a visiting users laptop - with no IBEX installation.

KathrynBaker commented 3 years ago

As we are postponing the discussion, I'll note here my one thought based on the above two comments, whilst it might not be as clean in some ways we could have two separate trees for public/private repos, whilst not as clean as just a single tree it would allow greater sharing where we can do so and maintain the privacy where that is required.

DominicOram commented 3 years ago

In the meeting we decided that we would like to reduce the number of submodules that need to be checked out for each IOC and also allow an IOC to be more easily shared with other facilities. We would also like to generally do some tidying up of our server-side file structure. To this end we have created the following tickets (in rough priority order):

rerpha commented 3 years ago

Was in the discussion and the relevant tickets have been created.