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SANDALS: Enable reading of V2 valve status from PLC #7543

Closed davidkeymer closed 1 year ago

davidkeymer commented 1 year ago

As a SANDALS beamline scientist, I would like to know the status of the new V2 gate valve so that it can be set appropriately for data collection. If closed, data would be invalid.

An OPI need not be created as this is for a single value. However, if a "vacuum" OPI already exists, then it could be included. The intention is to add a block and enable run-control.

Acceptance criteria


davidkeymer commented 1 year ago

More details of the PLC and FINS node in email to ExptCtrls on 05/01/2023@15:44

Also a counter, from 1 to 255 on a 1s increment in word DM0000 has been implemented. If DM0000 is 0 or stationary, then the PLC comms are not working or the PLC is not in RUN mode.

DM0001 has been reserved for gate valve V1 for when it's connected.

davidkeymer commented 1 year ago

Power to the SANDALS area, and therefore the PLC, is currently off and is expected to return by 13/01/2023.

davidkeymer commented 1 year ago

Power has been restored earlier than expected.

rerpha commented 1 year ago

I don't think i;m going to bother creating an emulator for this as i have confirmed it works with the real device, and i think implementing the watchdog counter would take longer than actually writing all the fins dbs

output from a camonitor with RS changing the v1 valve (same logic as v2):

TE:NDW1836:FINS_VAC:V1VALVE:STATUS 2023-01-17 15:28:43.544956 Open  
TE:NDW1836:FINS_VAC:WATCHDOG:RAW 2023-01-17 15:28:45.531703 47  
TE:NDW1836:FINS_VAC:WATCHDOG:RAW 2023-01-17 15:28:47.531816 49  
TE:NDW1836:FINS_VAC:WATCHDOG:RAW 2023-01-17 15:28:49.530974 51  
TE:NDW1836:FINS_VAC:WATCHDOG:RAW 2023-01-17 15:28:51.530904 53  
TE:NDW1836:FINS_VAC:WATCHDOG:RAW 2023-01-17 15:28:53.534107 55  
TE:NDW1836:FINS_VAC:WATCHDOG:RAW 2023-01-17 15:28:55.535347 57  
TE:NDW1836:FINS_VAC:V1VALVE:STATUS 2023-01-17 15:28:55.552329 Opening/closing  
TE:NDW1836:FINS_VAC:WATCHDOG:RAW 2023-01-17 15:28:57.559508 59  
TE:NDW1836:FINS_VAC:WATCHDOG:RAW 2023-01-17 15:28:59.559599 61  
TE:NDW1836:FINS_VAC:WATCHDOG:RAW 2023-01-17 15:29:01.560347 63  
TE:NDW1836:FINS_VAC:V1VALVE:STATUS 2023-01-17 15:29:02.529133 Closed  
TE:NDW1836:FINS_VAC:WATCHDOG:RAW 2023-01-17 15:29:03.561036 65  
TE:NDW1836:FINS_VAC:WATCHDOG:RAW 2023-01-17 15:29:05.565005 67  
TE:NDW1836:FINS_VAC:WATCHDOG:RAW 2023-01-17 15:29:07.563012 69  
TE:NDW1836:FINS_VAC:WATCHDOG:RAW 2023-01-17 15:29:09.564042 71  
TE:NDW1836:FINS_VAC:WATCHDOG:RAW 2023-01-17 15:29:11.565170 73  
TE:NDW1836:FINS_VAC:WATCHDOG:RAW 2023-01-17 15:29:13.568179 75  
TE:NDW1836:FINS_VAC:WATCHDOG:RAW 2023-01-17 15:29:15.570064 77  
TE:NDW1836:FINS_VAC:WATCHDOG:RAW 2023-01-17 15:29:17.570264 79  
TE:NDW1836:FINS_VAC:WATCHDOG:RAW 2023-01-17 15:29:19.567322 81  
TE:NDW1836:FINS_VAC:WATCHDOG:RAW 2023-01-17 15:29:21.570286 83  
TE:NDW1836:FINS_VAC:WATCHDOG:RAW 2023-01-17 15:29:23.574302 85  
TE:NDW1836:FINS_VAC:WATCHDOG:RAW 2023-01-17 15:29:25.530169 87  
TE:NDW1836:FINS_VAC:WATCHDOG:RAW 2023-01-17 15:29:27.528343 89  
TE:NDW1836:FINS_VAC:WATCHDOG:RAW 2023-01-17 15:29:29.526387 91  
TE:NDW1836:FINS_VAC:V1VALVE:STATUS 2023-01-17 15:29:30.529466 Opening/closing  
TE:NDW1836:FINS_VAC:WATCHDOG:RAW 2023-01-17 15:29:31.526337 93  
rerpha commented 1 year ago


ioc: RN: task:

have patched this over to SANDALS, added blocks for error status and valve status. The scientists can add run control as needed.

updated and

rerpha commented 1 year ago

patched onto sandals. change listed here and task to re-patch here

PRS ioc: RNs:

wikis updated:

email also sent to IS, check shared inbox