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Reflectometers - reflectometry/scans libraries - harmonize #7596

Open Tom-Willemsen opened 1 year ago

Tom-Willemsen commented 1 year ago

As a reflectometery scientist I want my libraries to match to limit differences between the instruments.

Acceptance Criteria

Note: this was spun off from as it was discovered that it was not trivial - some refactoring of the codebase will be required in order to let all instruments use it. This refactoring needs to be done in conjunction with the reflectometry scientists.

ThomasLohnert commented 1 year ago

Putting this back into ready for now until after INTER tank support is done as that is more urgent

LilithCole commented 6 months ago

Instrument scientists are working among themselves to harmonize their scripts, review their work once done.

LilithCole commented 2 months ago

Scientists in the process of harmonizing, hope to be done by start of next cycle

LilithCole commented 1 month ago

Testing is currently underway on multiple instruments, being undertaken by the scientists.