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instron: erroneous C500,0 commands #7953

Closed FreddieAkeroyd closed 12 months ago

FreddieAkeroyd commented 1 year ago

After an analysis of trace logs by scientists it seems the instron IOC occasionally send a C500,0 which causes issues

Locate why this happens

FreddieAkeroyd commented 1 year ago

The C500 is sent from here

with %d being passed from the db file at so you would set PV MOVE:SP to an integer and that is the integer that appears after C500,

The STOP:_STOP_RAMP PV calls this passing 0

The MOVE:GO:SP calls it passing whatever is in CHANNEL:RAW PV which look to be the value returned from getCurrentControlChannel

MOVE:_END calls it passing 0

However I think the issuer may be I think the intention was to cause $(P)CHANNEL:RAW to process but it is actually writing 0 to its value, this will cause it to process and return to correct value, but there may be a brief period when it is zero and if a MOVE:GO:SP was issued at the wrong time it would see it as zero and send a C500,0 rather than the correct current mode. The line should be $(P)CHANNEL:RAW.PROC rather than just $(P)CHANNEL:RAW I also think the nearby STAT:FRAME and MOVE are also missing a .PROC – I will check all use of seq records in the file similar errors.

FreddieAkeroyd commented 1 year ago

confirmed as working by scientist, so will tidy up for review soon