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Review User Training Course Materials [Timebox: 2.5 days] #8178

Closed KathrynBaker closed 4 months ago

KathrynBaker commented 6 months ago

There is a Powerpoint is in the user manual wiki Need to add: alarms view updates moxa view Script Generator

Ensure we know what needs changing, make a start on adding, create a new ticket if the timebox runs out

Points: 8

zsoltkebel commented 4 months ago

Added slides and notes for new features. Updated team photos (some are still missing). New slides can be identified by "New Feature" label in the bottom left corner. Put slides onto shares at \training\Updated training slides for IBEX\IBEX Initial Training.pptx

zsoltkebel commented 4 months ago

Content seems good to my knowledge.

To review

Double check that features included in the slides still behave the same way.