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PEARL pressure controller: Add "Purge" functionality #8181

Open rerpha opened 6 months ago

rerpha commented 6 months ago

As a user I would like to be able to purge the pearl pressure controller in a similar way to how we retract the rams

This would require the same conditions that "retract" is under ie. under X bar pressure. We may need to contact (someone?) to find out what the command for this is.

Currently this is done manually by Graham B (of iesg?) with an rs-232 interface so this means he doesn't need to come over and do it!

Acceptance criteria

rerpha commented 6 months ago

note this is not just for PEARL - WISH use it too

rerpha commented 5 months ago

email sent off

rerpha commented 5 months ago

Just talked with GB (who is leaving this thursday!) the command to purge is PU - this needs to be done under the same conditions as the "retract" functionality, though the controller itself will also have some safety built in. PU will respond with either some message about how it's failed, or the current pressure if it's now retracting. Hopefully full manual will circulate soon, but this should be enough to get started with.

isaachilly commented 3 months ago


To test:

  1. Checkout to the above branches.
  2. Start the PEARLPC IOC by running in a EPICS terminal run_tests.bat -a in \Instrument\Apps\EPICS\support\PearlPressureController
  3. Run up the OPI in CSStudio or on a device screen in IBEX
  4. Check purge functionality seems acceptable and makes sense from reading the manual and common sense. You can change self.fluid_type of the of the emulator to change the fluid type from somewhere else other than run_tests.bat. Users are not meant to be able to change fluid_type you see.
  5. You can run run_tests.bat to check tests

Test on device:

rerpha commented 2 weeks ago

still impeded

rerpha commented 2 weeks ago

happening next shutdown (august)